Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, December 14, 2009

Latest Addition To The Family

Introducing our 2nd bundl
e of joy...

Meet Heidi Zara, born on 5th December 2009 @ 5.11 a.m at APSH weighing at 3.22 kg. Zara was 12 days early. Oooo...did I mention we share the same birthday? Yup. Cool huhhh... =)

Will update more soon ya...right now I'm busy adjusting myself to being a mother of two. It's not easy I tell ya but I'm lucky my mom is here to lend a helping hand.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

37 Weeks & Photoshoot in Putrajaya...'s been 37 weeks already. 3 more weeks or maybe less. We shall see. I have an appointment with my doctor next Saturday, 5th's moi birthday. I'm secretly (not sooo secret anymore la kan since I'm writing it here hahaha) baby H.Z will make an appearance on the day itself. I am picturing myself in labor that night....hhhhhmmmmmm....


Earlier this month I managed to drag Hubby and Haziq to a family photoshoot that I've arranged. We had it in Taman Putra Perdana, Putrajaya on a Sunday morning. Yup. Hubby surprisingly gave 100% cooperation. Knowing him, he'd rather wake up late on a Sunday morning, so thanks dear. I wanted to capture pictures of the three of us before Baby H.Z arrives. :)

Let's just see the pictures ya..sudden mental block..dunno what else to write haha

Haziq initiated this pose himself...we just followed him...ahakss

Ibu's favorite're gonna be a big bro soon sayang...good luck ek :p

Rare moments...where Hubby and I are not at each others throat wakaka...

Loves you to bits Haziq

Carefree..after the shoot he smelled so masam...

Feeling his adik kicking Ibu's tummy

So, of me the mak buyung. I have another confession to make here. I'm actually scared. Scared to deliver the baby. I thought the second time around it will not affect me much but I am wrong. The thought of not knowing how it's gonna be scares me a bit. Not knowing how long I'm gonna be in labor sends shivers thru my spine. I try not to think too much and focus on other stuff, I pray, oooo dear God...please...please.....

Please pray for me ya ooo dear friends :)

I'm worried too. Can't imagine dividing my love between Haziq and baby H.Z. Dunno why I'm feeling this way. Hope it's temporary.

Ok...toodles peeps....I need to do some house chores work now. It's never ending huhhh....take care

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Confession of A Grumpy Preggie Mommy....

yes...i have a confession to make here.

i dont feel like going to work anymore. all i want to do is stay at home and spend as much time i can with Haziq before the little one pops out. sigh. ooo guess hospital's still not packed yet hehe. what's wrong with me ha? i think we've bought everything that we need. this time around i don't bother much with the list i make. i used my mother-instinct.... :p
lethargic is an understatement nowadays. i get tired so easily and my mood is like a rollercoaster. sometimes i hate myself. ooo how i can't wait for all this to be over. i want baby #2 to come out ASAP but at the same time i dont want my tummy to be empty. i like my bumpy tummy, i like the feeling of baby #2 kicking, punching, doing all sort of movements. i'm gonna miss that i know. just like last time after haziq was born. i could still feel something kicking inside of me...hahaha...must be the tummy muscles kot.
haziq???oooo that boy of mine is trully a miracle la. he amuse me everday with his speech abilities. the words that he uses. it amaze me that he actually listens to me. when i say something to him, when i thought he was not listening or paying attention, few days later he'll be using my exact words, and most of the time...against me. haaiihhh. so adorable. he loves to hug hubby and i at the same time. he'll come in between us and pull us together so that he can give each of us a kiss on the cheek hihihiii...i like....
seeing that my due date is nearing, i've started to discuss with haziq more often about the changes that's gonna take place soon. i told him that when baby #2 arrives, he will have to help me. help me put baby #2 to sleep, change diapers, wash clothes...etc. haziq said "ok ibu..." sigh. we shall see ya haziq dearest.
i'll be spending my whole confinement period in KL, our place. mama will be coming down next week. i am so not looking forward this part, the confinement part. it literally means i'll be confined in the house. the last time, i was close to being insane when in the end mama let me go out to get some fresh air...we went out with haziq, drove around and came back hahaha.
hokaaaayyyyy...i've crapped a lot here. im craving for rootbeer float la...may go and get it later then...ok peeps...i have no idea where this post is going and i'm too lazy to end it properly. so...till next time. in case i terberanak early...peeps...wish me luck aite... :)


I came across this while blog-hopping at a friend's blog a while ago and I just couldn't agree more. Read it.

Satu hari CINTA & KAWAN berjalan dalam kampung...

Tiba-tiba CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga....

Kenapa??Kerana CINTA itu buta..

Lalu KAWAN pun ikut terjun dalam telaga... Kenapa??

Kerana... KAWAN akan buat apa sahaja demi CINTA !! Di dalam telaga

CINTA hilang.... Kenapa??

Kerana... CINTA itu halus, mudah hilang kalau tak dijaga, sukar dicari apatah lagi dalam telaga yang gelap....

Sedangkan KAWAN masih lagi tercari-cari dimana CINTA & terus menunggu..


KAWAN itu sejati & akan kekal sebagai KAWAN yang setia.... kan ??

so, hargai lah KAWAN kita selagi kita terasa dia BERERTI....

*Walau kita punya couple, teman still paling setia..*

*Walau kita punya harta banyak, teman still paling berharga.*

More than often people tend to forget this. Forget the fact that even married couples get divorced, couples break-up but friendship....they remain. Even when you're happily married you should always value your friends, even if you're engaged, you must always find time for your friend, even when you have a steady boyfriend who would go to any extend for you, you must never take your friends for granted let alone make assumptions on their behalf without asking them, yes? no?

Thursday, November 12, 2009 me...

Hi ya's been ages since I drop by this space of mine. I was in dilemma. Part of me wanted to continue writing but part of me is just so tired. I hated my layout as well.
Oooo well....this morning I decided to pen down few lines. we'll see how far I can go yaaa...hhhhmmmm...updates...
pregnancy??? am in my 35th week...yup...bout 5 weeks or maybe less to go. Who knows. I told Dr M.A I want baby #2 to have the same birth date as mine. He laughed. HHmmmppphhhhh....So far baby #2 is growing well Alhamdulillah. We have a name already. Bought few things for baby #2 already but most of Haziq's stuff are gonna be used again, the playpen, baby clothes, etc..they're all in good condition. So I thought why waste money. I can buy more stuff for baby #2 later after my confinement. No big deal. I've made arrangements with a tukang urut already. The most important thing...yup, the urut part. My jamu has also been bought. Got it from my aunty in Muar. She makes them. I prefer the traditional ones rather than the modern ones...capsules...and what not. I still have few more stuff to get. I haven't packed my hospital bag. Sigh. I'm just not in the mood...yet. Will try to do it this weekend la. Heartburn is back...sheeessshhh...I hate it. I don't eat much so am slowly gaining weight. So far I've gained about 9kg. Yikessss....and boy do I waddle like a mama penguin nowadays hahaha....I make sure I still walk around going to places even when it feels like the bulging tummy is gonna fall down hahaha. I think I will post my latest picture later la...don't have one la.
work???am still at many things to do at work. I must clear as much as possible before I go on leave. It's been so tiring la. Thank God now I dont have to drive to work. Hubster send me off in the morning and come and pick me up later in the evening bringing Haziq along. I like it. The three of us in the car stuck in the jam although most of the time I'll be screaming at the top of my lungs at Haziq for being notty but then again....I just love the time we spend in the car. Haziq hugs me the moment I step into the car asking me where I've been the whole day. Poor boy. I told him I have to go to work so that I can buy him stuff...he said ok. He's such an easy-going boy. He'll turn 3 y/o in 3 months time. Big boy dah kan. I love to watch him sleep. Only when he's asleep I realise he's such a grown up toddler, so full of energy, and about to be a big brother soon...then tears will roll down my cheek coz I'll be reminiscing the days when he was a small and tiny baby.
I've washed all Haziq baby clothes...and again..I got all emotional looking at them. How small they are and how Haziq fit into them last time. Hahaha...Yes...I'm very emotional like that. skit2 nak nangis....skit2 nak marah....penat la....kesian Hubster..huhuh and Haziq too coz kadang2 I get angry with him for not listening to me when all he wanted to do was play and have fun. Gosh...I'm such a bad mother kan...
Ok la...i think that's enough for now. I need to start on my work now. Will try to write more later....adios...

Friday, October 09, 2009

Oooo Dear

where do I start?

..... im upset tired back and my whole body ache
......haven't been sleeping well lately heartburn is not leaving me alone

it can get worse than this i im holding on.....on a happier note....i have my mother to constantly reminding me to count my blessings. and if you know what had happened this last few weeks..then you'd understand. let's just say....what had happened has taught me a lot. it's nothing new to learn actually but it's just that sometimes i tend to take things for granted. what i have...i tend to look for more but not appreciate what i already have fully. get me? anyways....thank you God for the valuable has made me work harder to be close to you, to know that i should completely surrender myself, my life, my fate to you and let you decide what's best for me and my family. in school i've learned what tawakkal means....but last few weeks saw me really absorbing myself into the meaning of that word.sigh. how little i little i actually do practice my ignorant i was.shameful.i still have a long way to go.a lot to learn.dear God....please guide me.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Oooo So Random...

Hope it's not too late to wish you all Selamat Berpuasa. It's the 7th day today and Alhamdulillah I still have the energy and the will to fast. Hopefully again this year I am able to complete the whole month.
A lot has happened this past couple of weeks. I've been too oocupied to jot it down. Let's just go in random shall we...
    • managed to watch Sandra Bullock in The Proposal with Olyn. hahaha...had a good laugh. must watch if ur a sucker for romantic comedy. oooo...i so love all her bags in the movie hehehe
    • i went for my check up last Saturday and....and...i gained 3 kilos hokay. my best record so far hahaha...Dr M.A was also surprised. i said to him "but i dont feel like i've gained that much" cheeehhh perasan lebeh...will put up detail entry of the check-up later laa..
    • haziq was down with fever, cough and flu last week but thank God nothing serious. all this AH1N1 fuss is really scaring me. i dont bring haziq to the playground anymore. we hardly go out. haziq was pleading to me to take him to the swimming pool but i just dare not sigh. i dont like him to be stuck in the house too much but i have no choice.
    • i've been having weird cravings lately, well ok not that weird in the sense that the food is easy to obtained. but i've been craving cakes of late.yup. i ordered 2 steamed fruit cake from elin, one to be eaten during Ramadhan and another one for Raya. you guys must try her cake. sedap. i also ordered almond and walnut caramel cake from a friend who just started his own business. cool eh. go here for more info and order. and...and...last night i made hubby drove us to the nearest secret recipe so that i can attend to my cravings. hehe. i went there with images of delicious cakes but when i got there i couldn't decide on which one. i stood in front of the counter for good 10 minutes when i settled for chocolate moist cake eventhough i think i should've have followed my intuition to try their new peacan butterscotch cake. and true enough the moist cake wasn't at all moist to my standard huhuhu. might as well get the american brownies. so last night i was upset and did not enjoy my cake. hubby and haziq enjoyed their chocolate indulgence (to my surprise haziq wallup half of the cake and got all sugar high after that heh...). im off to ipoh this evening, gonna make sure i make a visit to the secret recipe to replace last nite's frustration....sigh
    • there is something bothering me. i'm disturbed. worried.sad. i pray everything will be okay but then Allah knows what's best for me and my family. so i can only pray...usaha and tawakkal, yes, no? i dont want to worry much considering my condition but i can't just sweep it off under the carpet this time. i must face it if it really happens, God forbid. sigh. must be strong :)
    • i look forwrd to spend time in ipoh this weekend although hubby won't be joining me and haziq. he has work to do..dang.tkpe la.what to do eh.
    • baby #2 is so active nowadays swimming from left to right, swaying, kicking, you name it. sometimes i can't even take a nap when baby #2 is moving around. ticklish hehe. haziq got the priviledge to feel ibu's tummy the other day and boy you should have seen his face when he felt the baby kicking. so funny. well not long after that he kept coming to me and put his hand on my tummy "nak rase baby ibu" haaaiihh....sometimes he'd just come running to me and hug me and my tummy. budak niii....suka buat ibu cair ek... :p

ok. that's all for now i guess. i don't feel good la this morning. went to the toilet twice and now my tummy is rumbling. i hope i can make it today. i got few things i need to get done before i head home at 1pm. pick up haziq, pack the remaining of our stuff and wait for my brother to come. don't think we can make it in time for iftar though. nevermind la. so you peeps who are driving back to your kampungs...have a safe journey aite. take care. enjoy the long break.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

What??? 30 Already?? me (well at least not yet though) :p
It's my precious boy. Haziq turned 30 months old last 13/08 hokaayy. That's equivalent to 2 and 1/2 years old. Whooaaaa. My ooo my as cliche as it sounds, I still wanna say time files huh. Tsskk...ttsskk. My baby is so big now.

I was browsing thru pictures of Haziq when he was a tiny little creature.

@4 months
look at those cheek haha

@ approx. 10 months i think

ape kes?he doozed off just like that??? :p trekker rosak la ibu

@ 8 months. his first time in the pool









and this is him today

he loves to senget kan his head like that when asked to pose...ibu ikut jer

Dear Haziq,

What can I say? Your presence in my life changed me. You made me changed into a selfless person, always worrying about you, your health, your well-being and your future. It's endless you see, but I don't mind at all. As I am writing this, I am also fighting the tears from rolling down my *ehem* pinky(?) cheek. I'm very emotional these days. You taught me a lot baby. Yes, sometimes you drive me up the wall but heck, at the end of the day, you never fail to make me smile all so proud of you. Never getting enough of you. Okay, maybe there are times when I am 'garang' with you but it is for your own good okay. Errrrmmmm...okay I don't know what else to tell ya. Just want you to know that even when you're older, I still want to kiss/nibble/smooch that 'pipi' of yours be it at home or in public, so please don't shy away okay. Oooo Haziq...Ibu and Ayah love you so much la..period!

Ibu & Ayah

Monday, August 03, 2009

A Quickie..

I need to jot this down before my memory starts to fail on me. There were few conversations I had with Haziq that made me laughed so hard, ooo no wait, most of the time it made me left speechless in the end.

Conversation 1:

While in bed with Haziq last Saturday after Hubby has left for work. Haziq suddenly said,

H : Ajib otoman (ultraman) max....Ibu ien....

Me : Ha? What? Ibu ape?

H : Ibu ien, Ayah ien....

Me : Ibu ien?What's that?

H : Ien!!!!

Me.....after pausing for awhile...

Me : Ibu alien???

H : Ha...Ibu ien

Me : ???????

I told my mom bout this, she laughed so hard. She said tu laa...marah-marah Haziq now he calls you alien....hahaha....and then she laughed some more. Sigh. Am I being too hard on him?

Conversation 2:

We were at a mall when Haziq needed to pee. So, in the toilet I took off his pants and asked him to do his business but I forgot to take off his brief as well,boleh?

Me : Ok...Haziq...go ahead kencing...
Haziq: (while pointing to his brief)
Me : Alamak...sorry..Ibu forgot.
Haziq : Ibu...Ibu...(shooking head while giving me that sorry look).
Me : ...... (speechless)

Conversation 3:

Haziq said something to me but I just couldn't get it, so I asked him again and again when he just gave up on me and said:

Haziq : Ibu tak faham (and walked away..)
Me : ?????

Conversation 4:

I was cleaning up the chest drawer in the master bedroom when Haziq came in,

Haziq : Ibu, wha' u wing?
Me : What Haziq?
Haziq : wha' u wing?
Me : Ooo..u mean what are you doing???
Haziq : Ha...what u wing?
Me : LOL....oooo Ibu tengah kemas barang2 nihhh (sambil tergelak dan tersengih hahah..sib baik tak tergolek)

Conversation 5:

I would always praise Haziq whenever he does something right, or whenever he manage to do something on his own etc. I'd say "Good job Haziq".
So there's this one time Hubby managed to do something but I can't remember what it was, Haziq went:

Haziq: Good job Ayah....
Me & Hubby : LOL.....looking at each other.

Phhewww...glad I got all the down. Must show this to Haziq when he's older (read: when he can read la...haha). It's just amazing how he has developed this past few months. Makes me feel I just can't get enough of him...and then makes me think and wonder ooo how am I gonna divide my love...when baby #2 comes along. Can I love both of them equally? Hhhhmmm...that deserves another entry all together me think ;)


Wednesday, July 29, 2009


yup....we're expecting. Most of my readers (ya ...anda2 itu) are already aware of this news hehehe.

Alhamdulillah.....our rezeki, Insya Allah Haziq will be a big brother come December. I'm already in my 5th month, or to be precise Week 20. Another 20 weeks to go?huhuhu.

A visit to the gynae last Saturday was as usual full of excitement. Haziq gets it that inside tummy Ibu ada baby but I don't think he has fully digested the fact that he will have to share our attention come December. A bit tad worried yet at the same time Hubby and I are excited to see how things will turn out. Haziq being Abang Haziq, no longer a small baby (though still my precious baby in my eyes and will always be the special one coz he's my first). It was just the two of us during the last doctor's appointment. Haziq knows very well to stand at the end of the bed and look at the screen. Hehe. The printed scan picture is his and he happily look at it and say "". Haaaiiihhhh...precious moment ;)

The little one is growing well, sucking all the nutrients consumed by me. So far, I've gained close to 4kg. Hhmmm...I wonder how much will I gain this time around. I've got back my appetite, thank goodness. The heartburn is still there but I've learnt to ignore them as long as I could. Less vommiting nowadays, which is a bliss. Overall, the morning sickness this time is the same as the first, and Alhamdulillah it's over. Phheeewwww.

Oooo...the gender? Believe it or not it's still not 100% confirmed coz baby is facing me which makes is difficult to see...but most likely it's gonna be....ehem...ehemm... :p . I still remember last time by this time we were 100% sure we're gonna get a boy. Hhhhhmmm. Anis said if it's shy-shy cat...confirm girl la...hahah..we shall see ya babe.

Baby has started kicking and doing sommer-sault about a month ago. It's amazing. I thought the second time around I'd be rather so-so bout it. I mean no biggie la coz it's not my first time anyway. But boy was I wrong. The first time I felt the little one poking on me, I was shocked, then I smiled of excitement. Hehehe. No wonder la people gets excited on every pregnancy. Now I get it.

Cravings???Hhhmmmm like last time nothing fancy. Seriously. Been having late night snack of roti bom every now and then haha. Now I'm thinking of all the food mentioned by Anis (lagi!haha) in FB at Simon's Tom Yam, babe if you're reading this, jom..jom. I still haven't gotten my tauhu bakar, apam balik sedap, tony roma's famous ribs, hhmmm what else....hehehe...told ya nothing fancy.

Preparations? Nope, nothing yet. I've made a list though on things we may need to buy. Probably later once I'm in the mood.

I'm pretty much busy entertaining Haziq to be honest. I want to make sure I give my fullest attention to him before the baby pops out. Haziq needs me now. He's so attached to me nowadays, like extra attached I tell ya. Sume Ibu kena wat. No Ayah pls. Haaiihhh. Sometimes he'd just come to me and give me a kiss on the cheek. Apakah? Tersipu-sipu lak Ibu dia haha. ;)
More stories later peeps...

this is me but pls...pls...try to imagine me like this *scroll*

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


While doing my ritual blog-hoping I stumbled a blog that has this song on her playlist.
If my memory serves me right this song was popular back in 1997/98. I was studying at PPP/ITM back then. Somehow this song brought back memories. Hhhhmmmm....Listening back to this song after more than 10 years, I couldn't get enough. Been listening to it since yesterday. Apakah?
"All Cried Out"
All alone on a Sunday morning
Outside I see the rain is falling
Inside I'm slowly dying
But the rain will hide my crying, crying, crying
And you
Don't you know my tears will burn the pillow
Set this place on fire
'Cause I'm tired of your lie
All I needed was a simple "Hello"
But the traffic was so noisy that you could not hear me cry
(I) I gave you my love in vain
My body never knew such pleasure,
My heart never knew such pain
(And you) You leave me so confused
Now I'm all cried out, over you.
Cryin' over you, yeah
Never wanted to see things your way,
Had to go astray
For why was I such a fool (Why was I such a fool)
Now I see that the grass is greener
Is it too late for me to find my way home,
How could I be so wrong?
Leaving me all alone
Don't you know my tears will cause an inferno
Romance up in flames,
Why should I take the blame?
You were the one who left me neglected (I'm so sorry baby)
Apology not accepted
Add me to the broken hearts you've collected
(I) I gave you all of me (Gave you all of me)
How was I to know,
You would weaken so easily
(I) I don't know what to do (I don't know what to do)
Now I'm all cried out
(All cried out)
Over you
(I) I gave you my love in vain
My body never knew such pleasure,
My heart never knew such pain
And you
You left me so confused
Now I'm all cried out
Now I'm all cried out
Over you
p/s: if you're all cried out...then what do you?just walk away?is that the best remedy?or should you stay and work it out?

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Lethargic Me whole body is aching...

......for some reason im short of breath and find it difficult to breathe....

.....i feel so tired.... back is killing me...

.....been having sleepless nights...


i can't wait to see Dr M.A this Saturday....huhuhu

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Morning Ramblings?

I started my day by dropping by at Anis's blog and read her entry on H1N1 and her worries. I can't agree more. It got me all worried. Not that I am not presently dead worried, now I'm terrified, worried sick. And I heard in the radio this morning on my way to work that the number of local contracted cases has increased here in our country. How I wish I could just take leave and stay at home with Haziq. Making Haziq wear mask and gloves is so tempting now but obviously not practical let alone illogical. I know that Kak Ani, Haziq care-taker practices good hygiene but what worry me most is the other kids. Gosh, am trying really hard not to be judgemental here, so I shall not deliberate any further on this matter.
And then I went on with my daily dosage and came across this disturbing article. Read here. She said she was under pressure because her daughter had skipped school and her husband just filed for a divorce. Sigh. What's becoming of this world of ours, I sometimes wonder.
Not long after, I received an email from a friend. I feel I should share the contect of it here. Whether it's true or not, Wallahualam.


Michael Jackson (MJ) was known as the most loving person in the world. He gave up most of his assets for charity and all his life, he fought for equality of the African Americans, AIDS victims, Against Drug Abuse, Against Abortion, Against Child Labor and secretly channelled his properties for the hungry children of the world. However, he wasn't peace at heart. He always think of himself as a child trapped inside a man's body. Being Peter Pan is all his dream, never to grow up, forever a child. That inspires him to build Neverland - a heaven for children. Children of all ages and races are welcomed to Neverland. MJ had so much love to give.
However, he made a mistake which he didn't know of the consequences. He saw the peaceful life his brother, Jermaine (Muhammad Abdul Aziz) had as a Muslim - true, Jermaine faced so much pressure that he moved to Bahrain.
In 1989, MJ made a press conference which shocked the world, "I have seen the Islam in the life of my brother, I have read the books about Islam. And I'd love to someday feel the calmness and peace of Islam...."
Since that, MJ's life was never the same again.He was accused of so many accusations against child molestation. MJ was not someone who can deal with much pressure as he is a 'delicate child'. All the extortion and black mail followed after that. Everything he did was being seen as wrong in the eyes of the Media. All these are to influence his fans to hate MJ. If he is hated, then he would not be influencial anymore.
For several years, he stayed in England. Getting motivation from a long time friend, Cat Stevens, who had converted into Islam - named Yusuf Islam. From him, MJ learnt how Yusuf had survived being Muslim. He made friends with a song writer, Zain Bhikha too, who wrote a song titled, "GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH", which he wanted MJ to sing whenever he is ready.
Following his trial, MJ withdrew to Bahrain, where he was the special guest of sheik Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the son of Bahrain’s king. It was then that Michael began to give conversion more “serious thought.”MJ stayed in Bahrain for approximately 3 years. He studied Islam, the prayers and learn to read the Koran (al-Quran).
Finally, he came back to Los Angeles and in November 2008 MJ had formally converted to Islam in a ceremony at a close friend’s house in Los Angeles.He perform Haj with the King of Bahrain and son on December 2008.
He had a hidden agenda when he wanted to make a final comeback. He annouced in a press conference on March 2009, "This will be my final concert. I'll see you all in July...."
He planned that during his concert, he would announce that this is the FINAL concert as he wouldn't be performing anymore. He will declare that he is a Muslim and will only sing with Yusuf Islam and Friends.At the end of the concert, he will be singing the song, "GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH" with Yusuf Islam. That is the reason why he chose London as his final concert venue instead of the USA. It was because he thought he could escape the USA's extortion, and that he could perform with yusuf Islam who is in England.
At 12.30am, 25th June 2009, he hugged his production manager and said, "After reherasing for 2 months, I am finally ready for the concert..."Before leaving to sleep, he waved his dancers, "It was a good night everyone. I'll see you all tomorrow..."The next thing... He was pronouced dead at 2.26am....
When 911 was called, there are so much questions asked. It is as if they didn't know who MJ is and where he lived. The questions asked are more towards to delay time.The hospital said the autopsy result can only be obtained after 2 months - very illogical as even the worst African technology could obtain the result in less than 2 weeks.
MJ's family members opt for second private autopsy as they started to feel something fishy is going on. The result came out in about 4 days - MJ was drugged with high dosage of anaesthetic - drug that brings about a reversible loss of consciousness, if used to much could stop the heart from beating.
Another result which was not aired in the media was, MJ's stomach is empty of this drug, but his blood were filled with it - same case as the death of Marilyn Monroe.The private doctors also found many needle marks, afraid to be forced injections given to MJ on his bed.
In CNN Live after a week, Barack Obama was interviewed. And he said, "I love MJ, I grew up listening to his songs. It is a great loss, but rest assured that there is no conspiracy in his death..."Now, why must a President made such statement before the official autopsy result came out? How would he know that there is no conspiracy without the post-mortem result? Seems like someone is afraid of his shadows.
MJ was known to the world as a person who is against drug abuse. Why must he be addicted to drug, then? If he wanted to commit suicide, why rehearse for his concert? And why will he want to see his dancers the next day?
Enough about his death. I am sure people around the world is not stupid anymore. These supreme power can fool us during the Marilyn Monroe conspiracy, Martin Luther King and Princess Diana. But in this MJ's case, they left too many loopholes for those who think...!!
MJ left us with this unfinished studio-recorded song, GIVE THANKS TO ALLAH. You can download this song here:
MJ's family was about to give him a Muslim burial with the help of The Brotherhood of Islam. But, the CIA showed up at Neverland's door - blackmailed them that if they do so publicly, Katherine (MJ's mother) would be pull off from MJ's 3 children's custody as well as MJ's estates. Instead, they'll hire Debbie Rowe for the purpose, and the court will be in their favour. So much for democracy and fairness...
Finally, they agreed to let MJ have a Muslim Burial in Neverland. But in condition, must show to the public a Christian Memorial Service, as to prove to the world that MJ was never a Muslim.
So, Staples Centre was just a normal show. That's why the coffin was closed and sealed.
MJ was buried days earlier. The Gold Coffin was empty. They were about to bury the Coffin according to Christianity ways in Hollywood - as in their deal with the USA Government.
These happened, because the USA is afraid of the rising numbers of Muslims in the world.
(Sheikh Ha**d)
The Brotherhood of Islam
Buletin of Bahrain
And it's not even noon yet. Anticipating a long day ahead people.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Pleasure Reading Anyone?

Below is an interesting article wrote by Dr. Bakri Musa which I feel must be read by all of us. Enjoy.

Chaining The Children of the Poor
M. Bakri Musa

The ancient Chinese bound the feet of their baby daughters so they would grow up with deformed tiny feet, thus limiting their mobility and participation in life outside the little world of their homes. These women would then be totally dependent on their men.
In rescinding the policy of teaching science and mathematics in English, the government is likewise binding the intellectual development of our children. They and future generations of Malaysians would grow up with warped intellect. They would then be totally dependent on the government, just as ancient Chinese women with tiny feet were on their men.
My friend and fellow commentator Azly Rahman has a more apt and colorful local metaphor; we are condemning future generations to the Pekan Rabu economy, capable only of selling pirated versions of Michael Jackson albums. That would be the extent of their entrepreneurial prowess and creative flair. They are only subsistence entrepreneurs and ‘copy cat’ creators.
Make no mistake about it. The government’s professed concerns for the poor and those from rural areas notwithstanding, reversing the current policy would adversely and disproportionately impact them. The rich and those in the cities have a ready escape; the rich through private English classes, urban children from the already high levels of English in their community.
The most disadvantaged will be the poor kampong kids. That means Malay children. Thus we have the supreme irony if not perversity of the champions of Ketuanan Melayu actively pursuing a policy that would ensure Malay children be perpetually trapped economically and intellectually. I thank Allah that I grew up at a time when the likes of Muhyyuddin were not in charge of our education system. Otherwise I would have been trapped in my kampong.
The idiocy of the new move is best illustrated by this one startling example. In 2012 when the new plan will be implemented, students in Form IV will be taught science and mathematics in Malay, after learning the two subjects in English for the past nine years. Then two years later when they will be entering Sixth Form or the Matriculation stream, they will again have to revert to English.
Pupils in the vernacular schools would have it worse. They would learn the two subjects in their mother tongue during their primary school years, then switch to Malay for the next five while in secondary school, and then switch again, this time to English, in Sixth Form and university!
Had these policymakers done their homework and diligent downstream analysis, such idiocies would not crop up. Then again this is what we would expect from our civil servants. They have been brought up with their minds bound up; they cannot think. They have depended on others to do the thinking for them.
Najib Razak’s flip-flopping on this major national issue eerily reminds me of similar indecisiveness and lack of resolve of his immediate predecessor, Abdullah Badawi. No wonder he supports Najib in this policy shift. Najib should not take comfort in that, unless he expects a similar fate as Abdullah’s. Abdullah was kicked out by his party; with Najib, it would be the voters who would be kicking him out. Public sentiments are definitely against this policy switch.
Failure of Policy Versus Failure of Implementation
The cabinet reversed course because it deemed the policy did not produce the desired results. However, in arriving at this pivotal decision the cabinet failed to address the fundamental question on whether the original policy was flawed or its implementation ineffective.
It just assumed the policy to be flawed. Muhyyuddin and his senior officers relied heavily on the 2005 UNESCO Report which suggests that “‘mother tongue first’ bilingual education” may (my emphasis) be the solution to the dilemma of members of minority linguistic groups in acquiring knowledge.
Muhyyuddin and his advisers seriously misread the Report. It was concerned primarily with the dilemma at the societal level of members of a linguistic minority having to learn the language of the majority (“national language”) versus the need to maintain linguistic diversity generally and minority languages specifically. UNESCO was rightly concerned with the rapid disappearance of languages spoken by small minority groups. The report was not addressing specifically the learning of science and mathematics.
Malay language is not at risk of disappearing; it is the native tongue of literally hundreds of millions. To extrapolate the UNESCO recommendations for Malay language is a gross oversimplification and misreading of the report.
The UNESCO Report does not address the issue of when and how best to introduce children to bilingual education. Later studies that focused specifically on the pedagogical and psychological aspects instead of the sociological and political have shown that children are quite capable of learning multiple languages at the same time. Even more remarkable is that the earlier they are exposed to a second language the more facile they would be with that language. They would also learn that second language much faster; hence second language even at preschool.
The acquisition of bilingual ability at an early age confers other significant cognitive advantages. These have been documented by clinical studies with functional MRIs (imaging studies of the brain). Malaysia should learn from these more modern studies and the experiences of more advanced societies, not from the UNESCO studies of backward tribes of Asia.
The other basis for the cabinet’s decision was ‘research’ by local half-baked and politically-oriented pseudo academics. They should be embarrassed to append their names to such a sophomoric paper. The quality is such that it will never appear in reputable journals. As for the Ministry’s own internal ‘researchers,’ remember that they came out within months of the policy’s introduction in 2003 documenting the ‘impressive’ improvements in students’ achievements!
The one major entity that would be severely impacted by the cabinet’s decision is our universities. Yet our Vice-Chancellors have remained quiet and detached in this important national debate. They have not advised the cabinet nor lead the public discussions. Again that reflects the caliber of leadership of our major institutions.
Had the cabinet decided that the policy was essentially sound but that the flaws were with its implementations, then measures other than rescinding it would be the appropriate response. This would include recruiting and training more English-speaking teachers and devoting more hours to the subject.
What surprised me is that when Mahathir introduced the policy in 2003, he was supported by his cabinet that included Najib, Muhyyuddin, Hishamuddin, and over a dozen of current ministers who now collectively voted to reverse the policy. Likewise, the policy was fully endorsed too by UMNO’s Supreme Council then. Like the cabinet, many of those earlier members are still in that body today. Yet today the Council also voted to disband the policy. Muhyyuddin, Hishamuddin and the others have yet to share with us why they changed their minds. The conditions that prompted the introduction of the policy back then are still present today. This reversal will do not change that.
Najib, Muhyyuddin and Hishamuddin are “lallang leaders,” they bend with the slightest wind change. Unlike Margaret Thatcher’s famed resolve of “This lady is not for turning,” with Najib, Muhyyuddin, et al., all you have to do to make them undertake a U turn would be to blow slightly in their faces. Blow a bit harder and they would scoot off with their tails between their legs. These leaders will never lead us forward.
This reversal will not solve the widening achievement gap between urban and rural students. The cabinet has yet to put forth new ideas on ameliorating that problem. So, just as ancient Chinese women were physically handicapped because of their bound feet, rural or more specifically Malay children will continue to be intellectually handicapped by their warped and small minds, the consequence of this policy shift. Perhaps that is the real objective of this policy reversal, the shackling of the intellectual development of our young so they will forever be dependent on their ‘leaders.’


p/s:how i wish the govt would have opted the other direction.Sigh.

Monday, July 13, 2009

It's Monday Already???

...and I feel like rambling.....bear with me aite...

.....24 hours is just not enough for me...period.

.....2 days weekend is definitely not enough for me...period.

.....i am so tired. it has been a tiring 4 fulfilling days. will more blog more it later.

....haziq turns 29 months today...will blog about it later too.

....i am currently struggling to keep my eyes open....sigh broke...broke...broke....but happy...happy...happy... ;) counting all my blessings... mrs sniffles this morning...hope it will go away soon.. thinking deep...weighing all aspects...and soon will make the decision....haiihhh...

....wants to go back to Ipoh end of the month...hopefully.. lazy to work today...

.....wish that December is just around the corner....

.....again...can't wait for December to's gonna be a whole new chapter ;) missing some people...

cute right...hehehe

Toodles peeps.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Read here.

Truly disappointed. Huh.


Sebentar tadi saya makan tengahari bersama rakan baik saya Suvani. Kami bertemu di Bangkok Express, The Weld. Dah lama saya tak jumpe rakan saya ini. Jummat ini dia nak berangkat dah. Menci betul la. Tapi tadi sempat la bergossip sikit2. Sikit2 jer tak banyak sebab saya lapar tahap dewa tadi hehehe. Sekarang seperti ular sawa yang baru menelan seekor anak rusa?? lebih kurang la. Kenyangnya ooo Tuhan syukur Alhamdullilah. Suvani belikan saya fridge magnet dari Afrika Selatan. Saya suka ;) Tak sabar nak balik dan letakkan magnet itu di peti sejuk (LOL!) saya.

Esok dan Jumaat saya cuti. Tak sabar. Tapi saya bercuti bukan nak bersuka ria sebaliknya saya ada 1001 benda yang hendak dibuat. Tuhan, berilah saya kekuatan untuk melaksanakan semua tugasan2 itu. Amin.

Ok la...sampai disini sahaja coretan saya di dalam bahasa ibunda saya. Penat. Harap faham. Ohhh...saya rindukan si bam bam saya la. Tak sabar nak balik pukul 4.30 karang. Saya nak tergolek dengan dia macam gambar di bawah. Pasti menyeronokkan kan.

p/s: eh i think this time around my entry in BM has improved kan...kan... ;)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Of Transformers...Haziq....Life....This and That....

A quite lengthy post ahead I must say, just bear with me yaa...

1) Last Monday Hubster and I took leave to go on a short date. Teeeheee...I so badly wanted to watch Transformers so Hubby suggested we take one day leave to watch. I agreed although I was half-hearted and felt guilty leaving Haziq at his caretaker's place while we go huhu-haha without him. But smart Hubster said "takpe la..bukannyer selalu pun" , which is 100% true.

We watched the 11 a.m show (haha poyo kan tgk movie that early) and boy....I enjoyed the movie tremendously alright. For 2 and half hours I was like a child overly excited holding to the chair and yet trying to stay calm watching every single scene in the movie. I tried to absorb every single detail of the movie so that it will stay fresh in my mind. My chilhood hero one dashing robot I tell ya. Ooo..and his voice....hhhhmmm. boleh tak jatuh chenta sama robot? Bumblebee was cute. Personally, I like this one compared to the first one. Although I feel Megan Fox is super duper hot but...hhhhhmmm....never mind laa. I feel like watching it again but then I don't want to leave Haziq again so will prolly wait for the DVD then ;)

macho ke tak niii???tell me...

After the movie, we had our lunch and headed straight home. In order not to feel too guilty, I brought Haziq to the pool for him to play with water to his hearts' content hehehe. Haziq so much fun that it took me quite sometime to get him out of the pool. Adehh.

2) Talking about my Haziq, last Friday Haziq was down with high fever. He started to become Mr Sniffles on Wednesday and a slight temperature, so we brought him to see his Paed. It's been awhile since we last brought him there. If I'm not mistaken the last visit was in April. Haziq's throat was already red and he was slightly wheezing. Dr Ong gave him the medicine that he needed including antibiotic. The next day he was better but then again all the kids at his caretaker's place were down with cough and flu, yup. I was so worried. Come Friday evening his temperature shot up to 39C and it won't come down at all even after I wiped him with wet cloth. Hubster and I decided to bring him to the hospital pronto. Doctor had to give him that 'bullet' thingy to be inserted into his ehem..ehem to bring down the temperature and assured us it's his tonsil that is causing the fever. Nothing to worry. Phheewwww. That night his temperature was back to normal, he could sleep but once in awhile his throat irritated and he coughed and vommited. The only good thing about that is all his phlegm comes out too, so less wheezing. Sleepless Haziq would also mean sleepless Ibu. Haaaihhhh....Today his fever has subsided totally, his cough is still there but getting better. Alhamdulillah.

3) On a happier note, today is Hubster's 31st birthday. Happy Birthday Dear. Hope you will enjoy the small-do that I've planned. Nothing fancy. Thought we should just celebrate your big day at home just the 3 of us since Haziq is still coughing.

cuppies for Hubster thanks to Olyn a.k.a Aunty Oyin according to Haziq

gedik tak dua beranak ini? (pls excuse the mess you see at the background 'bibik' mode is off for the time being hehhe

4) I haven't been blogging much on Haziq lately and I missed most of his monthly updates. My bad. Sometimes it's just too hard to keep up with his development and not to forget his cheekiness a.k.a loyar buruk. Hmmmpphhh. Will do that on a separate entry la. After all this blog is originally dedicated to Haziq hehehe. Actually I've created my own space so that I write about my ramblings and dedicate this blog only on Haziq and motherhood but....I have yet to write an entry hehe. Time management people, it's all about how you manage time ain't it. Most of the time I blame myself for not having enough time to blog. But then again a friend pointed out that everybody has 24 hours not more not less, so if others can why can't I. True indeed. will have to try harder to manage my time and do it all.

5) I now have to drive myself to work...booohooo. Gone the days when I can take a short nap while we go through the SMART Tunnel. Hubster started work at a new place in July and it's far from my office. Now we have to go separately...sigh. I hate driving to work, the only thing that I like with this new arrangement is that the earlier I get to the office, the earlier I get to go home. So now, I reach my office before 7.30a.m, leave the office at 4.30pm and be at home with Haziq by 5ish....bliss :) .This is one of the many reasons why I love my current employer. The flexible hours here really suits our arrangement. Let's just hope I'll be here a long time eh...

6) I'm tired la. Tired of keeping mum when something is bothering me, when my heart is hurt. Sometimes I'm confused too. Keeping mum when I'm hurt turns out to be a wrong thing to do. The table has be turned now it looks as though as I'm the one with big ego. What gives??? Confusing??Well, join the club hahaha....

Okay enough for now, I'll continue some other time aite. Take care peeps.



Thursday, July 02, 2009

It's Been A While

....since I last blog.
I've blogged numerous time in my mind but failed to transfer them to the blog. Plain lazy I guess. Typical excuse huh.
Will try blog more after this. Got news to share, pictures to share.....aarrgghhh I need more time.Period!
Toodles ;)

Friday, June 19, 2009

What Would You Do?

When things are not going the way you wanted it to go, what do you do?

You bravely face the situation?
You run and hide in your room?
You run to your friends and pour your hearts out?
You keep it to yourself and try to find a solution?
Go to your family?
You cry yourself to sleep?
You blog?

What would you do?

Toodles peeps :)

Anak Ayah...

I was on MC yesterday. I felt dizzy and light-headed so decided to stay at home with the little one.

We were cuddling and tergolek-ing in front of the idiot box when I suddenly asked him,

Me : Haziq, awak anak sape?

Haziq: Anak Ayah (nonchalantly while watching Little Einstein)

Me: Ha???Not anak Ibu too???

Haziq : Shook his head.

Determined not to give up on this I asked again.

Me: Haziq anak Ibu too kan.

Haziq: Again he shook his head.

Me: time nak milk ask Ayah to make for you ok.

Haziq: Shook his head again "No, Ibu wat"

Me: ????????

No matter how hard/firm Hubby can sometimes be on him, he still adores his Ayah. Hhhhmmppphhh. Tak aci nihhh. Ibu jealous. But I do like to see both of them together. How Haziq look up to his Ayah, how he wakes his Ayah up in the morning, it's cute I tell ya, How he ask for his Ayah when Hubby is at work. I love the father-son bond they're having. It can surely make me smile :)

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ooooppsss..she did it again

Yup...she did it again alright. She successfully 'kecikkan hati' her friend ini, intentionally or unintentionally...Wallahualam. Plus I dont think I want to know. This is not the first time and everytime she will have a 'concrete' excuse to back her up. I'm tired of her excuses and also I'm tired of others trying to find excuse for her. You know...trying to make things better, trying to calm me down. That kinda thing. For example...alaa...zai...u know la...she mmg like that...biarkan jer la. You know her la. Or....maybe she forgot ker....or maybe she thought...etc...etc....
Enough said. Saya dah malas. Apa nak jadi selepas ini, jadilah.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My mom came over last weekend to spend time with her only daughter and her favorite only cucu (so far la). When Mama is around it could only mean one thing. Zai = total rest + being pampered, Haziq = gets all the attention from Grandma which also means Ibu gets to tergolek doing nothing = BLISS.....Yeah...I'm very manja with Mama... ;p

Anyway, yesterday when Mama had to go back, we dropped Haziq at his care taker's place first. Haziq was reluctant to let go of him Grandma's hand. At the door, he was almost close to tears calling our for his Grandma...sob...sob...but later that evening when we picked him up he was again his jolly self. In the car he asked again "Ibu, maner Grandma?" I said "Grandma dh balik sayang but in two weeks time Grandma datang lagi ok" "Ayaaaaa......" was his reply. :(
That night...early morning to be precise, Haziq woke up calling out "Maaaaa....." I lay down beside him and asked him what's wrong. "Grandma maner Ibu??? Again I explained to him but this time he cried and asked for his milk. He cried himself to sleep without drinking his milk. Dear God...poor boy. He woke up again at 6 ish all smiley and we even played around in bed. Haziq made funny sounds in his attempt to make me laugh. Cute. And then suddenly he asked "Maner Grandma ni aaa???" Aisehhh...managed to distract him when suddenly he heard sounds of water gushing down the pipes in the bathroom, so he thought his Grandma was inside the bathroom. He took my hand "Ibu...jom" asked me to accompany him to the bathroom. I opened the door for him. "See...Grandma takde" The frustrated look on his face was enough to make me feel so sad.

I told Mama this morning at work. I can sense Mama is sad as well. Both of them have bonded so well. Mama adores Haziq soooo much. She said she feels like taking Haziq back to Ipoh with her. Hehehe....Aiyaakk...don't la. Nanti Zai yang malam2 cannot sleep rindukan Haziq pulak.... :p

I wonder whether later today at home Haziq will ask again his Grandma. It's amazing. During Mama's last visit, Haziq was not like this after Mama went back. He's become so attached to his Grandma that he misses her this time around. I think that's adorable although a bit sad. It just show how Haziq has grown. He now know the feeling of missing baby is big boy now...sob...sob...It's ok two weeks time we're gonna meet Grandma and Grandpa and spend some time in Ipoh....wooottt....wwooottt....Ibu can't wait too.... :)

Haziq with Grandma

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Tired....

.......really tired.

I long for a break to relax and unwind.

Exhausted.....all I wanna do after a long day at the office is just to lie down and sleep.

Need to find my inner strength....need to be strong. Need to be patient.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


hari ini saya rase seperti mahu menulis di dalam bahasa ibunda saya. mari kita mulakan...
sedang saya menaip nukilan saya ini, di luar sana hujan sangat lebat sekali. Alhamdulillah...setelah agak sekian lama tiada hujan turun, hari ini jalan raja chulan amat basah sekali.

alamak...tibe2 saya rasa lapar pula tapi tak ada apa nak makan. mungkn saya patut melawat pantry (cakap melayu ape?) untuk melihat sama ada ada ke tidak biskut atau apa2 saja yang boleh saya makan. sebentar...saya akan kembali.
saya sudah kembali.
badan saya sakit2 ni. tak pasti mengapa. mungkin kurang senaman agaknya. saya dah lama tk mengunjungi spa untuk sessi urut. bila agaknya nak pergi ek? sapa nak teman saya pergi? marilah...
pernah tak korang bermimpi sesuatu yang indah...tapi belum sempat mimpi itu habis korang digannggu???pernah kan. ia terjadi kepada saya semalam. kecewa saya. saya sedang bermimpikan sesuat yang sangat ler menguja kan saya (tak perlu la saya cerita panjang2 ya) tiba2 saya terdengar suara budak menangis sambil memanggil Ibu....oooo tidak. rupanya haziq terbangun dari tidurnya dan mahukna saya membuat susu untuk dia....waaaaa...selepas itu saya cuba untuk sambung tidur kembali dengan harapan setinggi langit mimpi tadi akan bersambung...tapi apakan daya. mimpi hanya tinggal mimpi. mungkin kah malam ini saya akan mendapat tahu kesudahan mimpi saya semalam. kita tunggu saja lah.
baik lah, saya sampai di sini sahaja coretan saya. penat la tulis dalam bahasa melayu. asyik salah taip jer. tak tau la kenapa.