Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 29, 2009

37 Weeks & Photoshoot in Putrajaya...'s been 37 weeks already. 3 more weeks or maybe less. We shall see. I have an appointment with my doctor next Saturday, 5th's moi birthday. I'm secretly (not sooo secret anymore la kan since I'm writing it here hahaha) baby H.Z will make an appearance on the day itself. I am picturing myself in labor that night....hhhhhmmmmmm....


Earlier this month I managed to drag Hubby and Haziq to a family photoshoot that I've arranged. We had it in Taman Putra Perdana, Putrajaya on a Sunday morning. Yup. Hubby surprisingly gave 100% cooperation. Knowing him, he'd rather wake up late on a Sunday morning, so thanks dear. I wanted to capture pictures of the three of us before Baby H.Z arrives. :)

Let's just see the pictures ya..sudden mental block..dunno what else to write haha

Haziq initiated this pose himself...we just followed him...ahakss

Ibu's favorite're gonna be a big bro soon sayang...good luck ek :p

Rare moments...where Hubby and I are not at each others throat wakaka...

Loves you to bits Haziq

Carefree..after the shoot he smelled so masam...

Feeling his adik kicking Ibu's tummy

So, of me the mak buyung. I have another confession to make here. I'm actually scared. Scared to deliver the baby. I thought the second time around it will not affect me much but I am wrong. The thought of not knowing how it's gonna be scares me a bit. Not knowing how long I'm gonna be in labor sends shivers thru my spine. I try not to think too much and focus on other stuff, I pray, oooo dear God...please...please.....

Please pray for me ya ooo dear friends :)

I'm worried too. Can't imagine dividing my love between Haziq and baby H.Z. Dunno why I'm feeling this way. Hope it's temporary.

Ok...toodles peeps....I need to do some house chores work now. It's never ending huhhh....take care

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Confession of A Grumpy Preggie Mommy....

yes...i have a confession to make here.

i dont feel like going to work anymore. all i want to do is stay at home and spend as much time i can with Haziq before the little one pops out. sigh. ooo guess hospital's still not packed yet hehe. what's wrong with me ha? i think we've bought everything that we need. this time around i don't bother much with the list i make. i used my mother-instinct.... :p
lethargic is an understatement nowadays. i get tired so easily and my mood is like a rollercoaster. sometimes i hate myself. ooo how i can't wait for all this to be over. i want baby #2 to come out ASAP but at the same time i dont want my tummy to be empty. i like my bumpy tummy, i like the feeling of baby #2 kicking, punching, doing all sort of movements. i'm gonna miss that i know. just like last time after haziq was born. i could still feel something kicking inside of me...hahaha...must be the tummy muscles kot.
haziq???oooo that boy of mine is trully a miracle la. he amuse me everday with his speech abilities. the words that he uses. it amaze me that he actually listens to me. when i say something to him, when i thought he was not listening or paying attention, few days later he'll be using my exact words, and most of the time...against me. haaiihhh. so adorable. he loves to hug hubby and i at the same time. he'll come in between us and pull us together so that he can give each of us a kiss on the cheek hihihiii...i like....
seeing that my due date is nearing, i've started to discuss with haziq more often about the changes that's gonna take place soon. i told him that when baby #2 arrives, he will have to help me. help me put baby #2 to sleep, change diapers, wash clothes...etc. haziq said "ok ibu..." sigh. we shall see ya haziq dearest.
i'll be spending my whole confinement period in KL, our place. mama will be coming down next week. i am so not looking forward this part, the confinement part. it literally means i'll be confined in the house. the last time, i was close to being insane when in the end mama let me go out to get some fresh air...we went out with haziq, drove around and came back hahaha.
hokaaaayyyyy...i've crapped a lot here. im craving for rootbeer float la...may go and get it later then...ok peeps...i have no idea where this post is going and i'm too lazy to end it properly. so...till next time. in case i terberanak early...peeps...wish me luck aite... :)


I came across this while blog-hopping at a friend's blog a while ago and I just couldn't agree more. Read it.

Satu hari CINTA & KAWAN berjalan dalam kampung...

Tiba-tiba CINTA terjatuh dalam telaga....

Kenapa??Kerana CINTA itu buta..

Lalu KAWAN pun ikut terjun dalam telaga... Kenapa??

Kerana... KAWAN akan buat apa sahaja demi CINTA !! Di dalam telaga

CINTA hilang.... Kenapa??

Kerana... CINTA itu halus, mudah hilang kalau tak dijaga, sukar dicari apatah lagi dalam telaga yang gelap....

Sedangkan KAWAN masih lagi tercari-cari dimana CINTA & terus menunggu..


KAWAN itu sejati & akan kekal sebagai KAWAN yang setia.... kan ??

so, hargai lah KAWAN kita selagi kita terasa dia BERERTI....

*Walau kita punya couple, teman still paling setia..*

*Walau kita punya harta banyak, teman still paling berharga.*

More than often people tend to forget this. Forget the fact that even married couples get divorced, couples break-up but friendship....they remain. Even when you're happily married you should always value your friends, even if you're engaged, you must always find time for your friend, even when you have a steady boyfriend who would go to any extend for you, you must never take your friends for granted let alone make assumptions on their behalf without asking them, yes? no?

Thursday, November 12, 2009 me...

Hi ya's been ages since I drop by this space of mine. I was in dilemma. Part of me wanted to continue writing but part of me is just so tired. I hated my layout as well.
Oooo well....this morning I decided to pen down few lines. we'll see how far I can go yaaa...hhhhmmmm...updates...
pregnancy??? am in my 35th week...yup...bout 5 weeks or maybe less to go. Who knows. I told Dr M.A I want baby #2 to have the same birth date as mine. He laughed. HHmmmppphhhhh....So far baby #2 is growing well Alhamdulillah. We have a name already. Bought few things for baby #2 already but most of Haziq's stuff are gonna be used again, the playpen, baby clothes, etc..they're all in good condition. So I thought why waste money. I can buy more stuff for baby #2 later after my confinement. No big deal. I've made arrangements with a tukang urut already. The most important thing...yup, the urut part. My jamu has also been bought. Got it from my aunty in Muar. She makes them. I prefer the traditional ones rather than the modern ones...capsules...and what not. I still have few more stuff to get. I haven't packed my hospital bag. Sigh. I'm just not in the mood...yet. Will try to do it this weekend la. Heartburn is back...sheeessshhh...I hate it. I don't eat much so am slowly gaining weight. So far I've gained about 9kg. Yikessss....and boy do I waddle like a mama penguin nowadays hahaha....I make sure I still walk around going to places even when it feels like the bulging tummy is gonna fall down hahaha. I think I will post my latest picture later la...don't have one la.
work???am still at many things to do at work. I must clear as much as possible before I go on leave. It's been so tiring la. Thank God now I dont have to drive to work. Hubster send me off in the morning and come and pick me up later in the evening bringing Haziq along. I like it. The three of us in the car stuck in the jam although most of the time I'll be screaming at the top of my lungs at Haziq for being notty but then again....I just love the time we spend in the car. Haziq hugs me the moment I step into the car asking me where I've been the whole day. Poor boy. I told him I have to go to work so that I can buy him stuff...he said ok. He's such an easy-going boy. He'll turn 3 y/o in 3 months time. Big boy dah kan. I love to watch him sleep. Only when he's asleep I realise he's such a grown up toddler, so full of energy, and about to be a big brother soon...then tears will roll down my cheek coz I'll be reminiscing the days when he was a small and tiny baby.
I've washed all Haziq baby clothes...and again..I got all emotional looking at them. How small they are and how Haziq fit into them last time. Hahaha...Yes...I'm very emotional like that. skit2 nak nangis....skit2 nak marah....penat la....kesian Hubster..huhuh and Haziq too coz kadang2 I get angry with him for not listening to me when all he wanted to do was play and have fun. Gosh...I'm such a bad mother kan...
Ok la...i think that's enough for now. I need to start on my work now. Will try to write more later....adios...