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Friday, November 28, 2008

Supermummy is giving away Gin & Jacqie bag for free!

I came across few blogs entering this contest. What made me more interested is the prize that's up for grabs. It's a Gin & Jacqie bag. If you're familiar with this name then you'll know why I'm all excited. I love almost all items from this brand and the cool part is that it's Malaysian made. To date I already have 4 bags from Gin & Jacqie and another one wouldn't hurt right? hehehe.

So here goes,

1. Create a new post in your blog with this title:Supermummy is giving away Gin & Jacqie bag for free! - check

2. Answer the following question:Who is the creator of Gin & Jacqie? - None other than Jacqueline Ng

3. Complete this slogan:I deserve a super lovely Gin & Jacqie bag because errrr...when it comes to Gin & Jacqie I don't need a reason to own one of those cool stylish bags. I just love it...and I want to add to my collection. ;)

4. Link back to Malaysian Supermummy (no link back will be disqualified ya) - check

5. Leave a comment at this post so I know that you have already completed the task! - check
Hope I'm lucky enough yaaaa.... ;)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It's Been A While Huh..

I just don't have the mood nor the time to blog. Did a bit of blog-hopping whenever I feel like. Few things happen in this couple of weeks. Sigh.....I'm just lazy.

I hope this is just temporary. In the mean time, take care peeps ;)