Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 31, 2009

This and That....Here and There....

warning : lotsa pictures ahead. (i mean it!)

I got stories to tell but I'm in no mood to do so. But still I want to update this space of mine. So, I'm gonna fill it up with pictures ok. I love pictures hehehe...

he cried coz i wouldnt let him touch my D80 hahaha..kejam...yeah i know..

yo what's up...

trip to melaka last month

when ayah is in charge during bath get this pose...not bad ehh...can be shampoo model haa

ayah...nak tet(sikit)

yeah...he had fun alright...sampai meronta when we took him out...sigh

at klcc....he refuse to get down...hubs had to carry yeah...he made quite a scene that day.....

More pictures at my flickr. In case you guys wanna see more la...hehehe (perasan). Today is not a good day. My bad flu is back. I have running nose (I know someone will say kejar la...hahaha) and it sucks. I just hope it will go away real soon. Ok peeps...I want to read my book. Toodles.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Tag Game

Was tagged by Zetty...

Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog/Facebook note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this.

Ok, here goes:

1. i cannot stand org yg terhegeh-hegeh...serious. rase cm nk sepak2 jer org yg langsung tkd urgency in their lives nihhhh...iissshhhh
2. i love apam balik, you know the one yg crispy tuh....yummeeehhh
3. i can't heard me. that reminds me...i need to start looking for a swimming lesson for haziq haha
4. i am not meticulous but when im neeeded to be...i can be...very meticulous..
5. one of my fav word is 'rimas'...yeah i get rimas very easily.
6. im a good listener...yeah...

baru nombor 6 ker????shheeessshhh

7. i can be very blunt at wait...most of the scrap...all the time!
8. i wish(wishing hard here, crossing fingers) that i'll be driving a 325i at the age of (latest) 35....eeerrrr....if i dont get it...that sleek red EVO or a silver 2.0 civic will do lor.... muahaha
9. i dream of becoming a domestic goddess(yes...i say this all the time...they say if u say it often enuff and believe it hard enuff and try hard enuff it will materialise)....but nowhere near...har har....
10. i adore my chubby haziq so much that sometimes i have sleepless nites worrying i wont be able to provide the best for him....
11. i adore hubby soooo much, i just cant believe how he can tolerate with my name a few...

what....still 5 to go???

12. i can listen to DEWA 19 songs again and again...and i never get bored...
13. i suck in managing my money....hahaha...
14. i find it hard to forgive and forget people....there will be this tiny spot in my heart that will always remember what others did to me...
15. i used to plan to do my masters after 5 years of working...its my 6th year now....and i dont see myself working my ass off trying to get that piece of paper...heck laaa..
16. i was never a book worm during uni days....but i know i get all excited over books i just bought....will buy....will be released....i love it.....

ppphheewwwww....brain teaser on a Friday morning haha..

i want to tag mereka2 ini.....nique, puteri, nana, anis aka areya's mommy, herlina, yus aka iman's mommy, dott, SOHO mama, Babyboon, Sarah, Lollies, still got 5 places....whoever wanna do it...pls2 do ok....i need to get back to work hehehe ;p

Have a nice long break people...take care ;)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


On Saturday as Hubby was about to leave house for work...

Me: Haziq cepat salam Ayah...Ayah is going to work...

Haziq quickly got up and salamed his Ayah.

Me: Ok Haziq...Ibu need to go to work too...bye..

Haziq: No!

Me: Why?

Haziq: Work...Ayah...

Hubs and I looked at each other. Hahaha....

He seems to think that only his Ayah can go to work nowadays. Sigh.

Well, today Haziq is 23 months old.

Happy 23rd Month Darling....
I've been hearing and reading people talking about the terrible two. Wonder how I am gonna face Haziq and his antics. We'll just have to take one step at a time I guess.

Oooo dear..I can't write long. I'm already sleepy. Shall update more when time permits or when I have the energy to. Take care everyone.

Friday, January 02, 2009


I hope it's still not too late to wish everyone Happy New Year. How was you New Year?

We spent the New Year at the hospital in the morning till noon. Haziq was not feeling well. He was purging. His usual paed is on leave till next week so we had to opt for the local GP near our house. But still the purging persist, Hubby and I decided to bring him to the hospital. the doctor said its viral infection. It's good that Haziq is letting them all out but it will take time to get better sigh. Ooo well....for someone who is not well Haziq sure look the opposite. He runs...jumps...hops...his hearts out.'s 2009 already. Sigh. I was trying really hard to recap and flash back what 2008 meant for me. I must say 2008 was good to me. Infact 2008 was filled with lotsa love, laughter and happiness. Looking back I am quite proud of myself, with what I've achieved so far be it in my family life, career and other stuff too. 2008 saw me making new friends along the way and even lost few friends. Suffice to say, as I grow older I can see clearly who my reals friends are and who I should eliminate.

I left my family for whole 3 months in 2008 for the sake of my career. A decision that was not easy for me to make but Alhamdulillah I never regretted it. I believe that I should and deserve to have both, a family and a career.

In 2008 Haziq grew up to be one lil' witty toddler whom I adore so much. He makes me laugh, smile, cry, angry (when he buat perangai), and his presence in my life makes me feel a complete person.

Hubby and I, I think we learned more about each other as we go along. There were ups and downs but we survived. Alhamdullilah. I hope and pray we'll be a better team as we venture into 2009.

Work...what I can say. I'm happy with what I'm doing at the moment. The pay is good. Did I tell you I just started my new job 2 months back? Well that's a whole new story for another time aite...

My 2009 resolution? I don't have any. Maybe I'll think of something maybe I won't. But there are few things that I would like to see materialize this year. You'll find out as we stroll down the year each day okay... ;)

Ok peeps I gotta go. I have few pictures that I would like to post here. Will do so tonite after Haziq has gone to la-la land and if I am still awake by then...take care :)