Haziq turned 22 months old last Saturday. I did not forget, I was just caught up in so many things. Hehe. But seriously. I was a bit busy.
So....Happy 22 months old darlinnngggg....ibu and ayah love you sooooo much. May you grow up to be a wonderful, responsible, charming person. And oooo...please...please don't make engineering as your profession okay.....
Updates on him? Let's see...
......very much independent now. He wants to do everything on his own. He even wants to carry our groceries bags. Yes,very helpful. Hopefully he continue to do so till he grows older when I no longer have the energy to carry those heavy bags.
....vocab wise....he has learned a lot of new words. English and Malay. English mostly from me ( ye la....mak pasan mat salleh...nak anak terer English padahal mak English terabur...ye sila la gelak guling2 tp thats normal kan...kan...ngaku jer la hehehe).
....still won't eat much...drinks milk a lot...loves his aewet(carrot)....loves vitagen....hates rice...which I think is kinda good hahaha. He loves grapes, banana and all sorts of keropok.
.....still into cars...tractors....train....opter(helicopter), opane (aeroplane)...pelat betul anak saya ni hahaha...if we walk around in malls and bump into those shops that sell all the remote control car...helicopter....Haziq will make us squat down with him admiring them. Serious. 10 shops...means 10 times la you have squat down for at least 10 minutes not less. And sometimes he won't budge we have to eeerrrr....lie a bit to him. Not good but no choice.
.....80% diaperless during weekends....he only wears his diapers at night...hoooraaayyy....minus one or two incidents...he can now tell me when he needs to pee and do his business....but still you know la...hehehe....
......adores his ayah still sooooooo muchhh makes me merajuk at times....uuuhhhuuuukkk....
.....wont wear any shoes or sandals I bought him except for the imitation crocs his ayah bought him when I was away. Sigh...I had to hide that sandal just to make sure he wears proper shoes to a wedding...I had to...really....
......loves to 'help' me hang clothes and then play with the empty pail...
......still giving me a hard time when its time to brush his teeth....aarrrgggghhhh....he would rather golekkan his body on the floor ok...very drama this boy of mine.
.......still...still....won't sleep thru the nite....waaaaaaa.....sabar2...
.......he doesn't mind sharing his food with you even when you don't ask him but he would never share his pillow with you. Weird kan. If there's two pillows there he will want both and won't let you have one at all no matter what.
Guess that's about it la....that precious boy of ours. In 2 months time he'll be 2 years old. Hard to believe eh...When he was tiny...helpless...couldn't move on his own...I wish he'd grow up faster. Now that he's almost 2 years old....sob...sob...I wish he'd stop growing for awhile and let me enjoy these moments. (eh...bergenang plak mata ku ini...d**n it)
As usual...some pictures la kan...pictures taken at McD, Ampang Park. We had breakfast with one of Haziq's fairy God Mother, Miss Olyn.
look closer you'll see the bus is short of one tire...haziq's doing la tuh sigh
still won't let go of his bus
insisted that he go down the slide with his bus....and then pose...chewah...dh pandai