Haziq and I spent Christmas at home coz Hubby had some work to do. Bummer. Today Hubby and I took leave coz we needed to do some banking. Actually that's just an excuse for me. I just wanted to be away from the office for awhile hehe. Nonetheless I had everything done as I've listed before. Went to Maybank to open up SSPN account for Haziq, went to Nikon Center to upgrade firmware to my D80, went to pick-up my registered letter. Ppphheeewwww....but we didn't managed to drop by GE Mall to get Haziq's hair cut. Hope we could go there soon. Haziq is soooo serabai nowadays.
Later in the evening we took Haziq to Taman Jaya. The weather was all sunny it was a waste if we didn't take this opportunity to stay out. I think Haziq had fun running around and going down the slide. Then Hubby and I got bored of the place (haha selfish parents) and Hubby decided to take Haziq on a train ride. So off we went and rode the train from Tmn Jaya station to Kelana Jaya station and back. We got down at Asia Jaya. Lepak for awhile then headed back to Tmn Jaya. Haziq got all excited looking down from the train. He could see all this favorite things from up there...buses, cars, tractors, birds. One happy toddler we had there.
We then had our dinner at the OldTown White Coffee in PJ. It's our first time at this outlet and I must say we're sure to come there more often. I love it. It's not too crowded. Infact there were not many people Haziq could run around the place and I can have my dinner peacefully. The music they played was brilliant I found myself humming to almost all of them. I had my favorite Iceblended Hazelnut....yummeeehhh. After shoving all the food we headed home and Haziq fell asleep 10 minutes after we left. He must be so exhausted.
And now I am blogging, facebooking, and updating my flickr while Haziq is in the room sleeping, Hubby went out to meet his friends. Hhhhhmmmm...bliss.
I end my post with what else...some pictures ok....
please pay extra attention at the tshirt Haziq is wearing hahaha...self-absorbed kan...hahaha kasik chan la ok
What are you guys up to tomorrow, Sunday and Monday? Anyone wanna have brekkie...brunch...lunch...tea...dinner....buzz us ok hahaha....ciao bebehhhh....
Later in the evening we took Haziq to Taman Jaya. The weather was all sunny it was a waste if we didn't take this opportunity to stay out. I think Haziq had fun running around and going down the slide. Then Hubby and I got bored of the place (haha selfish parents) and Hubby decided to take Haziq on a train ride. So off we went and rode the train from Tmn Jaya station to Kelana Jaya station and back. We got down at Asia Jaya. Lepak for awhile then headed back to Tmn Jaya. Haziq got all excited looking down from the train. He could see all this favorite things from up there...buses, cars, tractors, birds. One happy toddler we had there.
We then had our dinner at the OldTown White Coffee in PJ. It's our first time at this outlet and I must say we're sure to come there more often. I love it. It's not too crowded. Infact there were not many people Haziq could run around the place and I can have my dinner peacefully. The music they played was brilliant I found myself humming to almost all of them. I had my favorite Iceblended Hazelnut....yummeeehhh. After shoving all the food we headed home and Haziq fell asleep 10 minutes after we left. He must be so exhausted.
And now I am blogging, facebooking, and updating my flickr while Haziq is in the room sleeping, Hubby went out to meet his friends. Hhhhhmmmm...bliss.
I end my post with what else...some pictures ok....
What are you guys up to tomorrow, Sunday and Monday? Anyone wanna have brekkie...brunch...lunch...tea...dinner....buzz us ok hahaha....ciao bebehhhh....
ni gambar virgin ke dah edit?
hihihi...maner ada edit ape2 la weeeeeiiii...virgin lg nihhh....tk sentuh pun wakakak :p
best la 50mm lens iteeewwwww.....huhuhuhu....best smpai nk nangis hahaha
Eh Armand pun has a similar t-shirt..tulis "My Mommy Rocks!", tapi warna hitam, bought in online from US. And yes rambut dia pun tgh serabai srkg ni..! Everytime tanya "nak potong rambut tak?", dia mesti jawab "Kakuk!" (takut)..ish ish..
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