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Thursday, May 01, 2008

10 Things That Makes Me Go Ggggggrrrrr

was tagged by's for you bebeh...

1. when Haziq refuse to sit in his stroller instead he wants to push it himself......gggrrrr

2. when I've already turn off the lights...Haziq is already in bed with his milk....the moment he finishes his milk.....he gets down the bed and run to his Ayah in the living room and leave me behind.....(mind you...he is already sleepy but saje je tahan mata.....aarrgghhh)....gggrrrrrr

3. when he just won't let me do any housework but demands me to carry him or just play with him.....ggggrrrrr

4. when he refuse to get out of the bathroom even after I've let him play with water for quite sometime....gggrrrrr...

5. when he just refuse to sit down for 2 seconds so that I can read him a book...gggrrrr

6. when I find him standing on the sofa, when he sees me coming towards him he will try to runaway from me....gggrrrrr.... jatuh karang la Haziq

7. when my mom called and I put the phone on speaker so that Haziq can talk to her, Haziq just freeze, 2 seconds ago he was babbling to his hearts content....gggrrr

8. when he can see the smallest habuk/particles on the floor and pick them up even after I've swept the i come I can't see them but he can.....

9. when he decides to rearrange back all my plastic containers to his liking after I've spent sometime arranging them nicely....gggrrrrr

10. like fabmama....when he does all the above and many more to mention here and I still find him comeyyyyyy....sigh....

Yang di tag adalah:

all...all of you mommy-blogger ok....buat tau....I want to read :p


Mrs ZYI said...

zai, no 7 and 8 sgt sama! grrr..
yg no. 8 tu siap dh nampak tu, cepat2 kutip and masuk dlm mulut, cepat2 kunyah and telan sbb dia tau kita nak korek keluar dr mulut diaa...grrr lagi..

i guees doing this tag also reminds u of him kan? lg laa homesick eh? kesiaannn...sabar ye hang in there. :)

Zaitul said...

yup... i miss him terribly...