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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Perfect Life?

Caution: This entry may be slightly self-aborbed. Please read at your own risk!

I was chatting with one of my bestfriend the other day. We were talking about life...decisions in life and how all this while my friends seem to think that I have a perfect life.

That had me thinking. Do I have a perfect life? Is there such thing like a 'perfect life'?

It's subjective don't you think.....but at the moment I do feel that I have a 'perfect life'. I have a bit of everything a person could ever want in life. And I am very thankful for all that. I could not ask for more.

I have a family of my own.

Hubby my pillar of strength.

I have Haziq.....a miracle in my life

We may not live in huge house but we have a comfy house where we hide out and escape from the outside world

We may not drive a 5 series BMW (yet!) but we have a car that takes us everywhere we need to go...

Our bank account may not come up to a 6 figure amount (yet!) but we have enough money to buy us stuffs that we need...

My parents who are always there for me

My two brothers who are very sporting & loving towards their only sister hehe...

My bestfriends....Han, Olyn, Nik, Parv, Loady & Nolin (though I haven't seen Nolin for quite sometime now heheh) guys are the best...

My blogger friends with whom I share information and stuffs.....especially on motherhood... this is where I learn a lot about life...about being just an ordinary human being....about the ups and downs in marriage....everything...

I have a career and I love what I'm doing now.....I may not be earning a five figure salary (yet!) but I'm happy with what I have now. I may not travel round the world and explore (though deep inside I regret not doing all that before I settled down)....but I'm happy with what I've achieved so far and hope that I can achieve more in the future Insya Allah.

We (read:hubby & I) may have our ups & downs in our lives but that is part and parcel of life and that's what makes us stronger. It may not be bed of roses all the time but we have promised to each matter what we will try our best to over come any obstacles, Insya Allah. Hubby & I, we're a team. answer a question that I know some may ponder....No...I don't regret settling down and start a family. My only regret is that I was not brave and bold enough to go out and see the world back then. Although I know Hubby never stops me from achieving my career dreams (if not I won't be here today kan kan) but I've set my priorities.

So there you 'you'...yeah 'you' what you think is best for yourself. Don't let others influence your decision. You know that whatever your decision or your next step will be....I will always support you. is never easy dear. When you have an easy life, you'll tend to take people or things for granted. But when you strive and work hard in your life, you'll appreciate things more. :)


nique_naq said...

hello my dear darling zai :) i think ive already decide what im going to do next, well sort of, i have a PLAN :p but i couldnt have done it without your support, knowing that my best friends are behind me, and always so encouraging and never judgmental, so thank you! thank you very much :) miss you lots, babe!

Jungle Playland said...

Hmm i don't know about perfect life. i would define my life as "acceptable life". I'm grateful with what i have. But sometimes of course we want more kan. So its motivate me to work harder.

Good that your blog this. It makes all of us grateful with what we have.

Swahili said...

The grass is greener on the other side, glad you have such positive outlook. Thats the way!

I have an entry for you, to make up for the no-recipe Mincemeat Pie

Zaitul said...

nique: u go girl... :)

dot: for the family...we have to work harder kan kan...Insya will be fruitful..

swahili: i try my best to be positive...but sometimes....its kinda hard...

yeeyyy a recipe entry...tq tq... ;)

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

beautiful entry :) u cant put it better than this!