Ibu and Ayah love you very much.
Haziq is a big boy now. Everyday he's learning new things and showing off new skills. Sometimes I still can't believe it, me...a mommy....to precious Haziq.
Haziq dearest,
May you grow up to be a fine young man
And live life to the fullest
Be whatever you desire to be
But never forget The Almighty
There will come a day when a girl might break your heart
But don't take it on the next one sayang
Rest assured Ayah and Ibu will always be there for you
To guide you
To lend you a helping hand
p/s: eerrr...your birthday bash??yes yes...Both Ibu and Ayah have decided it's gonna take place next month...so sabar ye cutie pie :)
Haziq looking bored sitting in a McD highchair hehe
I can't believe he's one yr old already. Feels like yesterday when u blog about him being a 2-month old baby. A bday bash? Do Ashraff & Aliff get invited? Hehehe..
Anyway, to you, all the best in your new company!
HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY Haziq! We can't truly describe how complete our lives are with these precious gifts, kan ibu haziq? besar dah haziq, comeii plak tu!!!!! gerammmmm.....
Now wishes for ibu haziq lak : may it be a smooth sailing experience for you at the new company!
Adik haziq, happy birthday from kak natra...
happy besday to my comel godson, haziq! cepatla wat besdayy party :)
happy bornday, haziq!
geramnye pipi tu, mcm kue pau!
rafiqah: TQ Aunty Rafiqah :) eh of course they're invited.nanti ibu will send out the invitation ye..
anis: TQ TQ...true2...Haziq means the world to me :)
nana: TQ kak natra.nanti jgn lupe dtg birthday party haziq ok
nique: beday party nanti jgn bwk hadiah ye aunty nique :)
mrs zyi: TQ TQ...mcm apam pun ada gak org panggil huhu
Happy Birthday my Godson! Nanti aunty Nell bagi present ok!
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