Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I've already booked tickets to watch The Transformer...robot indisguised(betul ker spelling...malas nk check) (nyanyi ikut theme song dia...)with Mr. Hubby...since my parents are coming down for the weekend....they are more than willing to babysit lil' Haziq....excited...excited...excited.....too much excitement no good...true true...suddenly my Boss dropped the need to go down to M**E this Friday to attend the meeting with S******. errkk....But Mr. M, I plan to go down next go down this week and see what's going on and what can be resolved....I'll be going next week after I get your report. Waaaaaa......jadi kuli memang tak best there goes my romantic evening with Mr Hubby...Sorry dear.....I'll make it up to you when I come back..*wink*wink*.


rafiqaheliza said...

Gosh, kesian you...Mmg mcm tulah kehidupan kuli ni. Ditolak ke kiri ke kanan.
Btw, org cakap Transformers tu best sesgt! Of cos, I couldn't find time to watch. So melepaslah. Oh I hope u could make up the loss...

Zaitul said...

mmg kesian kt diri sendiri.... :p
hope to catch another movie next month...biler my parents dtg...hehehe ;p