Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Check This Out...

You Are Designer Panties
You demand the best, from head to toe.And your panties have to be pure couture, for your own luxury.Men feel like you're a worthy challenge, though you can be difficult to catch.You exude a polished, sexy vibe that tends to attract confident men.

Raya Mode : Switched On

I'm already in raya mode. I already got all the cookies that I ordered for raya this year. Mind you, this year I think I got carried away by ordering seven.....I repeat seven types of cookies. Muahaha....I think I'm over excited. Not because I wanna celebrate raya but mostly because I can't wait for the long raya holiday. Woooohoooo. And also not forgetting all the food I'm gonna savor....yummy...Oooo....and I've already tasted all the cookies that I bought hehe. All very tasty except for the Nestle Crispy....yucks...and the Pineapple Tart that I bought from HZ's babysitter is more tastier than the one bought from Miss L. Yes...people..I bought 2 types of tarts. Hehehe. Seriously, I don't know what got into me. Hooray....I'm all almost ready for raya. Gotta get some groceries stuff this Friday. Will be making nasi impit...kuah kacang....rendang ayam...lontong....not by myself of course. Mama will help...
But I still don't have a baju raya...huhuuuu....I've done a lot of window shopping but nothing nice caught my attention. Cmner nih...Thinking of just wearing my modernmum maternity top and pants...hehehe...but dunno what MIL and MIL's family will say. Ye pakai pakaian mood to go window shopping anymore....or even buy a baju raya. Plus I don't know what to wear. I think I can still fit in a baju kurung but never found one that I like. A friend recommended wearing jubah...haa??? not me. My other half said we'll go and look for one this coming Friday or Saturday. I'll probably find something that day...who knows...we'll see.
One more day to go before the holiday starts.......yippiee..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all...Maaf Zahir Batin.....
note to self: need to buy an oven so that I can start learn how to make my own cookies for raya next year. Who knows I might even start my own business...hehehe...

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tak Tau Nak Letak Title Ape....

A conversation that took place somewhere last week at the pantry of Level 28, Menara D*******.
Mr MSC : Z*****, starting from 15th October you will be under Engineering Department, working with G*** doing design in marine, and will be concentrating more on piping. On top of that, you will also have to assist Pn N****** in topside piping.
Mrs ZAA : (stared blankly...after awhile) ooo...ok.
Mr MSC : (realising the blurness of his new subordinate) This is from the HR. We're filling up the boxes where the requirements are more. So you might wanna move to the cubicle that side (pointing to an empty one) and settle down.
Mrs ZAA : Ok...will do that. (proceed to current cubicle, sat down and tried to digest the conversation that just took place)
La la la la......digested..interpreted.....yippieeeeeeee....I'm finally free from GB...woohoooo...After one year and a half working under GB, I was getting very annoyed, demotivated, and neglected except when I was at the Yard. I was still thinking later after the conversation and asked myself whether I'm really happy with the change. After some thought. Yes, I am very happy. Why? Because I just cannot pretend anymore. I don't know how to suck up to the boss a.k.a GB. I don't know how to sweet talk to GB and be nice to him. I don't bother to greet him when he came down to yard. I dont' bother to report to him every single damn thing that I do. I don't bother to bother what he thinks of me. I JUST DON'T. All I know is just to carry out my task. Please don't expect me to "kiss your hand", run to your needs, pick you up at the airport, etc.
But that's the thing. That's how it works with GB. He favors those who are willing to j***t his a**. Serious. If you want to do just have know. Probably this is a norm in working world. Probably I should adapt and start doing the same. But then again, I don't want to. I'm happy with doing things my own way and work hard for success. (chewaaahhh...)
Anyways, it's Friday again...yeyyy....will meet up with friends after work for Iftar at Little Penang, KLCC. Looking forward cz Han is gonna be fav Joe will be there too. It's been a while since all of us meet up. I'm sure it's gonna be fun. Hubby is coming too.....woohoooo.....
Happy Weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Baby Brother....

This is my baby brother. His name is Zafrullah Said Azmi. I suddenly wanted to write about him coz I think I miss him very much. The last time I saw him was about 2 months ago when he came to my house with my parents. When I went back to Ipoh last month Adik was not home. He was at his college. Oooo...Adik now is taking his Diploma in Ship Design @ MIMET, UniKL. His big sister is all excited about the course he's taking cz then she can learn from him and photocopy all his reading materials for her usage and later we both can discuss. Cool eh.
My baby brother is the clown of the family. He can crack jokes from every single thing around him or every single thing that people say. We usually share private jokes together which sometimes my other younger brother Ashraf does not know. You see, Adik and I are closer I guess cz I stayed with my parents till I was 17 years old. Unlike my bother Ashraf, he went to a boarding school after his UPSR. So you can say that there's a gap between us. But we're slowly patching things up. I promise myself if ever one day I have children, I will never send them to any boarding schools, not until they're older, probably after SPM, so they go straight for their college/university.
Anyways.....Adik is a smart but very lazy boy. Mama had to nag around the clock to make sure he does his homework last time. But I guess now since Adik is away, I can see Abah and Mama feel so lonely at home. The house is soooo quiet nowadays. Kesian diorang.....among the three of us, Adik being the youngest...he gets away with things that if I were to do last time at his age, I'll be in big trouble. I guess at his age and health condition now, Abah is not as garang as he used to be. So he lets Adik gets away with his jokes and mischieves. Lucky you Adik...Being the youngest also Adik cannot escape from being bullied by his big bro and sis. "Adik...tolong Akak...bla...bla....", "Adik....pegi amik....bla...bla...". He'll grumble I tell you but he'll be at your service're the best Adik.... :)
Adik is very concern of his siblings. According to Mama, if either Ashraf of I is sick or in some kind of problem, he'll be the one at home babbling, worrying and getting angry. He'll grumble and go like "Eeeii...akak ni bla....bla...bla...." or "Abgchik ni kan...bla...bla...." walking back and forth in the house. Hehehe....but when we meet, he never says anything. love us dont' you. You think we don't know ehhh.....we love you too......
Aiyaakkk....writing about you makes your Akak miss you more. Next week I'm gonna see him...woohhoooo..can't wait. Since Raya is just around the corner, I'm gonna get Adik something. Probably some nice shirts and pants. Wonder what size he wears.........

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Pregnancy is supposed to be a delightful time in our lives, and it can be. This, however, does not mean that it will be without stress. Even wonderful changes can cause stress. Stress is defined as any emotional, mental or physical change that can cause a disruption in the normal routine. Stress comes from both external sources and internal, stress we place on ourselves. Let's start by looking at physical sources of stress.

Changes in your body like nausea, vomiting, fatigue can effect how your do your job, interact with your friends and family. This can create stress for you and those around you. You may worry about the changes in your physical appearance. Will your body cause people to treat you differently?

Your attitude and thoughts about pregnancy and birth can also cause stress. Will you ever look like you did before pregnancy? Is labor as bad as everyone says? Will you embarrass yourself during the birth? Can you be a good mother? Dads especially, but moms too, may worry about finances and houses before the baby comes

People can become stressors. Your relationships will change, usually large changes occur with your parents and your partner. However, some people report changes in friendships, even the loss of some friends. I think that was very hard for me when I was pregnant, seeing my non-pregnant friends slowly drift away.So, what can you do about all the mental stress and physical changes?

The first, and probably most important is to change your attitude. Thinking in a positive manner will get you great lengths. Be flexible with your work and home situations. Learn to recognize when you need to take a break or say no.

Find out what the sources of stress are for you and evaluate what you can get rid of, and what you can change.

Nutritional habits are also very important. Eating well will prepare your body for everyday life, and also provide you with more energy.

Exercise! This will help you feel better during your waking hours and make your sleep more restful, again giving you the energy you need to deal with life.

Give up being a perfectionist. While you should always expect your best, don't worry about the small things, especially housework!

Do your relaxation exercises, even in a small dose, it can help you relieve enough tension to continue.

Remember that everyone encounters stress. Look at it as a new challenge and greet it in a calm, prepared manner.

This could be beware!!! ;p

*came across this article while blog-hopping. sure helped a lot for me in understanding my condition and current situation so that I will be able to handle them wisely.

My 20th Week........

Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. She's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom, and about 10 inches from head to heel. (For the first 20 weeks, we use measurements taken from the top of the baby's head to her bottom — known as the "crown to rump" measurement. After that, we use measurements from head to toe. This is because a baby's legs are curled up against her torso during the first half of pregnancy and are very hard to measure.)A greasy white substance called vernix caseosa coats her entire body to protect her skin during its long submersion in amniotic fluid. (This slick coating also eases the journey down the birth canal.)Your baby is swallowing more, which is good practice for her digestive system. She's also producing meconium, a black, sticky substance that's the result of cell loss, digestive secretion, and swallowed amniotic fluid. This meconium will accumulate in her bowels, and you'll see it in her first messy diaper (although a few babies pass it in utero or during delivery).

Surprising Facts:

Getting a good night's restIt may become more difficult to sleep through the night as your pregnancy continues, thanks to some obvious and not-so-obvious changes taking place in your body. You may be surprised to find that:

• You start snoring for the first time in your life, thanks to hormones that cause your nasal passages to swell and partially block your airways. What to do: Sleep on your side and elevate your head slightly. (hehehe...not sure bout the snoring part....have to ask hubby....)

• Heartburn and indigestion can make it extra uncomfortable to lie down in bed. What to do: Try sleeping semi-upright in a comfy recliner or propped up with pillows on the sofa. (check : you got this one right.....)

• Your legs cramp so painfully that you're jarred out of a deep sleep. This happens because your leg muscles are protesting against the extra weight they're carrying around. What to do: Ease the cramp by straightening your leg, heel first, and gently flexing your toes back toward your shins. (experienced leg cramp once the other day......sakit laaa.....huhuhuuu..)

• You toss and turn all night trying to find a comfortable sleeping position. What to do: Try sleeping with a pillow between your legs or using a contoured maternity body pillow. (nasib baik ada bantal peluk yg best....... :p )

• You become hot and sweaty in the middle of the night. It's common for pregnant women to run a little warm thanks to shifts in your metabolism, hormones, and weight. What to do: Keep your bedroom cool and strip down to the bare essentials — which may include a maternity bra and a maternity belt to help support your growing breasts and belly, and perhaps some socks if only your feet are chilly. Keep slippers and a snuggly bathrobe handy for those nighttime trips to the bathroom. ( check : the less the better...hehehe....)

• Getting out of bed is harder than ever! What to do: Roll over onto your left side and "tip" yourself up, feet first. When your legs touch the floor, use your arms to push yourself into a sitting position on the bed. Then stand up. (check : getting up used to be soooo much easier.....)

*source from babycenter

p/s : I know the gender of our bundle of joy already....hehehe...... I hope everything will turn out alright. I pray I will be able to deliver our junior safely and hopefully without so much pain...huhuhu...Insya Allah. I pray our baby will be healthy and strong. Ameen.....

Heyyy...the other day our baby decided finally to let hubby feel him kicking.....hubby was elated to feel the strong kick on my tummy. For me....very ticklish ok....but the experience....I must say...PRICELESS!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Younger Version of......

nellie belly,nique,hanthoo badaque,parviano,loady,moi & roselyn(taken at Clear Water Sanctuary, Batu Gajah, after our Badge Dinner/2003)
Look at what I grabbed from Nique's friendster photo. Hehehe...I think Nique did send the picture last time but I unintentionally did not save it. Jangan marah Nique..nanti you're gonna miss us more. How young all of us looked three years innocent....yet very naughty????Look at those faces....full of energy, vibrant, eagerness, enthusiasm, young with passion and hunger to succeed....chewahhhh...but we did, didn't we? We have our own career, each of us, in different industries though some are related to another. Good salary.....eeerrrmmmm.....ok la...not all of us of us has gone back to being a student.We have our own lives, commitments, family around us, friends......We are doing just fine. I guess it was worth all those hard work (I can see rolling eyes out there while reading this sentence....hehehe....) that we put in during our 5 years in uni.
And after 8 years....we're still friends and closer than ever.
Dear Friends,
thank you for being a good friend to me during all the time we've known each other....
thank you for lending me some of your time to listen to my grumbles, dissatisfactions, sorrow, sadness, happiness,etc...
thank you for being there and helping me out during my biggest day of my life.......
thank you for all the birthday wishes and presents throughout the years....
thank you for that lovely flower arrangement......
thank you for sending me to the clinic when I was sick....
thank you for letting me use ur pc when I didn't have one....
thank you for being patient with me..............
thank you for having the time to attend to my eating needs.....
thank you for all phone calls and smses.....regardless the reason.....
thank you for all fashion advice given.....
thank you for all the advice given......
thank you for love and care and attention given......
thank you for having the time to watch a concert with me.....
thank you for everything......
thank you for being such dear friends to me and I don't think I will ever find a bunch of beauties like all of you.....
Hope we will be friends forever.................
p/s: missing in the picture would be nolin....though ur not in the picture dear...the post applies to u as well ok...miss yaa....