Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I'm still coughing alright. My fault. I didn't take good care of myself. The kids got the flu from me. Haziq built up phlegm, he needed his inhaler everyday. Zara follow suit. Her Paed had to suck out the phlegm and she too had to be on the nebulizer twice the last few days. Haziq cried when he saw his little sister crying her hearts out. He has a good heart, that boy. Poor Zara, poor Haziq. Now Zara must take the ventolin 3 puffs every 3 hours to clear her lungs. If she's still not well in few days time, her Paed wants to jab her. Sigh. I guess when there's asthmatic history in your family, like it or not you may have to deal with such situation.

Me?I'm just exhausted. Mentally and physically but then again who would understand. It's very easy to just say...alaaa..zai tuh...macam2 la....alaaa...zai tuh...ape yg dia busy sgt ntah.....alaaaa...zai tuh...maner ada mase....hahaha....whatever la family comes first in case you still don't get it....tqvm....I am beginning to really believe what my mother told me. She said rambut sama hitam, hati lain2 zai....she also said...kadang-kadang orang perempuan mulut kata lain, hati kata lain...yeah....go figure huhh...

As I am writing this, Haziq and Zara are already asleep. They're doing ok now. Alhamdulillah. I wanted to write more on Zara. That girl of mine is 4 months old now. A pleasant baby I must say. Loves attention, hates to be left alone. Adores her big brother and is always observing what her brother is doing. Haziq?? He loves Zara but at the same time jealousy is written all over his face heh. Ibu?pening trying her best to give all her attention to both. Ooo and not forgetting the husband. He needs my attention too. Harap2 I'm strong enough to go through all this yaaa.

This is at the moment my fav pictures of that dua beradik =)


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

I want To Blog

......and I shall be back soon peeps =)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Revamping this Space

How do you like my new layout?ok?yes?no?
I was getting really bored with my layout when I suddenly found this template and fell in love with it. So, this will be my layout eerrrmmmm until I get bored again.
Alrighty...just a quickie from me. I want to go to bed now. Am so sleepy. Work is tiring me out literally. It's not that I'm super duper busy but yet, at the end of the day, lethargic is an understatement.
Something is bothering me actually. Gosh, sometimes I wish I can be transparent but I can't. Ooo well, life goes on right =)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Boy Who Turns 3 Today...

Dear Haziq Danial,

Happy 3rd Birthday. Ayah, Ibu & Baby Zara love you so much. Please be a good boy okay =)

p/s: no party for you this year darling....Ayah & I have planned something for you. Your present?? be honest, we haven't bought it.So, please be patient aite.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Haziq & Zara

It's getting a bit dusty here hehehe....haven't had the time to jot down what's been happening. Hikksss....Maybe I should write about the kids (gosh i love that i get to type the word kids hahaha poyo kan) a bit.

My Haziq will turn 3 y/o this Saturday. My ooo my. He's so big now. Talks a lot, but yet he still refuses to concentrate when it comes to his ABCs. Any tips anyone??

He is such an adorable big brother to Zara. Always eager to help Ibu, always wants to share his toys, and always wants to kiss his lil' sister. Alhamdulillah. I was kinda worried in the beginning. BUT...................yes...there's a but, he somehow always wants to pick a fight with me. Yup. You just can't believe the things he does just to drive me up the wall. His temper...oooo don't let me go there. It's like seeing a mini-me. Sigh. Let's just hope this will only be temporary okay.

Heidi Zara, on the other hand, is such an angel. I would say she's more easy-going compared to Haziq last time. Smiles a lot. Cries only when she's hungry, or sleepy and also when her diaper is wet. And just like Haziq, she likes to be hold, carried around. Sama ajer macam abang hehehe. She looks like Haziq when he was a baby. She babbles a lot seriously a lot. She talks to her Ayah a lot when he comes back from work. It's so cute I tell ya.
Haaiiihhh...enough said. I'll continue some other time okay. Let's see some pictures aite...

My Haziq Danial

Dh terer dh naik basikal

@ 2 months old

dh lapar nak susu but ibu sibuk gak nak amik gambo hehehe

Thursday, January 14, 2010

2009 In A Glance

2009 came and went in a flash if i may say so. let's recap shall we...

nothing much happened the first two months....

in march we finally moved into our new home after a year of waiting....alhamdulillah...finally...a place we can call home sweet home. we did some minor renovation, bought new furniture, made plans...etc... =)

in april we found out haziq will be a big brother come december.....alhamdulillah...i wanted a december baby hehe. april also saw the beginning of my morning, noon, evening & night sickness....24/7 sickness, you name it. sucks. with me down with morning sickness, further renovation and decorating the unit was put onhold sigh.

in july i managed to organise a belated birthday party for haziq with the help of hubby, my parents and siblings. the theme was cars and haziq got a lightning mcqueen 3d cake thanks to wiz. alhamdulillah the party went well and moi 'pengsan' the next day. the month my life turned 360, well almost though. i still can't believe what had happened but i learned a very valuable lesson from it. life is funny in so many ways, indeed. when i was in 'that' mess, i was reminded of a quote that i used to give to my friends for encouragement. see i told you life is funny. at that time, i felt the quote was the best to describe what i went through. it goes something like this :

"Kadang kadang Tuhan sembunyikan Matahari, diberikan kita Petir dan Kilat, Kita menangis dan tertanya tanya... dimana hilangnya sinar, Rupa rupanya....Tuhan nak hadiahkan kita Pelangi Indah."

i took a moment to muhasabah diri, to reflect back, why it happened. i realised at times i tend to forget to be grateful with what i have. i focus too much on looking 'up' that i forget to look 'down'. so, a reminder to myself....bersyukur dgn apa yg ada, sentiasa bertawakkal, sentiasa sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

in november, the three of us had our first family outdoor photoshoot in Putrajaya. =)
in november also i found the energy and the mood to continue decorate the house...haha.

december then came in a jiffy....Heidi Zara was borned on the same day as my birthday. she weighed at 3.22kg@52cm. shewas 12 days early. alhamdulilah everything went well. she's a month old now. will blog about the whole journey in a separate entry ya.

so there....a whole year went by in a blink of an eye. geeezzzz.....i guess in a nutshell i would say
2009 has been a wonderful blessed year. i think i've grown throughout the year. learned a lot....tried my best to be a better person though it was not easy, but i tried. i tried to be a better mother, better wife, better daughter, better friend, better employee. and i am still trying...

i hope 2010 will a better year insya Allah... =)
hopefully i'll be able to blog more hehehe....i dont know how to end this entry (as usual) toodles peeps.