Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 14, 2010

2009 In A Glance

2009 came and went in a flash if i may say so. let's recap shall we...

nothing much happened the first two months....

in march we finally moved into our new home after a year of waiting....alhamdulillah...finally...a place we can call home sweet home. we did some minor renovation, bought new furniture, made plans...etc... =)

in april we found out haziq will be a big brother come december.....alhamdulillah...i wanted a december baby hehe. april also saw the beginning of my morning, noon, evening & night sickness....24/7 sickness, you name it. sucks. with me down with morning sickness, further renovation and decorating the unit was put onhold sigh.

in july i managed to organise a belated birthday party for haziq with the help of hubby, my parents and siblings. the theme was cars and haziq got a lightning mcqueen 3d cake thanks to wiz. alhamdulillah the party went well and moi 'pengsan' the next day. the month my life turned 360, well almost though. i still can't believe what had happened but i learned a very valuable lesson from it. life is funny in so many ways, indeed. when i was in 'that' mess, i was reminded of a quote that i used to give to my friends for encouragement. see i told you life is funny. at that time, i felt the quote was the best to describe what i went through. it goes something like this :

"Kadang kadang Tuhan sembunyikan Matahari, diberikan kita Petir dan Kilat, Kita menangis dan tertanya tanya... dimana hilangnya sinar, Rupa rupanya....Tuhan nak hadiahkan kita Pelangi Indah."

i took a moment to muhasabah diri, to reflect back, why it happened. i realised at times i tend to forget to be grateful with what i have. i focus too much on looking 'up' that i forget to look 'down'. so, a reminder to myself....bersyukur dgn apa yg ada, sentiasa bertawakkal, sentiasa sediakan payung sebelum hujan.

in november, the three of us had our first family outdoor photoshoot in Putrajaya. =)
in november also i found the energy and the mood to continue decorate the house...haha.

december then came in a jiffy....Heidi Zara was borned on the same day as my birthday. she weighed at 3.22kg@52cm. shewas 12 days early. alhamdulilah everything went well. she's a month old now. will blog about the whole journey in a separate entry ya.

so there....a whole year went by in a blink of an eye. geeezzzz.....i guess in a nutshell i would say
2009 has been a wonderful blessed year. i think i've grown throughout the year. learned a lot....tried my best to be a better person though it was not easy, but i tried. i tried to be a better mother, better wife, better daughter, better friend, better employee. and i am still trying...

i hope 2010 will a better year insya Allah... =)
hopefully i'll be able to blog more hehehe....i dont know how to end this entry (as usual) toodles peeps.

1 comment:

Nina @ BabyBoon said...

yes i do hope u'll blog more ;) coz i like your entries.

how's it like being a mom of two? tell tell!