Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 25, 2008


Hey...I got this award from SaDi. Thanks dear. And thanks for reading this humble (sometimes or most of the time mundane blog :p ).

Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere.

Here are the rules to follow :

1) Put the logo on your blog
2) Add a link to the person who awarded you
3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4) Add links to those blogs on yours
5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.

My favorite 7 blogs are:
  1. anis
  2. dotty
  3. rafiqah
  4. nik
  5. olyn
  6. nana
  7. mrs zyi

I wish I could give the award to more than 7 people I do have a long list of my favorite blogs. :P

Enjoy the award peeps.




Jungle Playland said...

thanx dear for the award! this is my first award after blogging for more than 3 years... Nanti will upload it in my blog..

and thanx again for coming to Aidan's party. Hope Haziq had a good time... Thanx for the pressie Aidan loves it!

Anonymous said...

zai, thanks for the award *_* will blog about it later, ok?

kembang semangkuk la pulak teheeheee ;)

"..that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design.."