Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Macam - Macam Ada Pada Nama

Was Tagged by Madamme Rafiqah and since today I'm a bit free (boss besar tkd...hehehe) so I'm more than willing to do this. So here goes....

REQUIREMENTS : Write about what or how or why you gave the name(s) to your kid(s). QUANTITY: 5 people
TAG MODE: Firstly you leave their blog and post link and add to the list below and secondly you let the blogger you want to tag know that he/she has been tagged by commenting in his/her blog or etc.

When I was younger (tua dah rupenyer saya...sigh), I always wanted a baby boy to be my first child. Eventhough there was a point in my life where I did not want to get married or have babies. Hehe...what was I thinking. Well anyways....when Mr Hubby and I found that we're gonna have a baby boy, we already have a list of names that we like. My Hubby tak kisah sangat as long as it has good meaning. I wanted a simple name for my baby, not too long and not too short. Easy to pronounce and remember. One day when I was blog hopping (yes...i do that a lot mase preggie dulu...), I came across a blog where the writer has 3 children and one of them is named Haziq. I began to like the name and its a bonus that the meaning of the name is pandai. So, Haziq it is. But then I kinda like also the name Danial(check dlm buku...Danial...nama ok la kan).....hence....Haziq Danial bin Nasaruddin. Tetapi now whenever I tell people my baby boy's name is Haziq...they'll go like...ooooo...mcm yg dlm AF (Akademi Fantasia) tu yeee...NOT....firstly, I do not waste my time watching AF...and I for sure did not name my son after that singer....tolong sume org tergiler giler kan AF ok. Emosi skit.
So...itu la dia sedikit insight on how Haziq got his name. For my next baby (chewah....which will only materialise earliest in 2009) it a boy or a girl...makcik sudah ada few names in mind...heh...I'm prepared....for the names ajer laa...not prepared to get preggie again. :p
msau the meaning of SQ and Kiki
shopping mum the meaning of Justin and Isabelle
Judy Chow Terry S
hannon Rachel
Samm Gordon and Malcolm
Sasha lil J Mott 2 Monkeys
Fatty Poh's Fatty Boy
Abg Z Abg H Princess & Litle D DadofFour Siti Khadijah, Muhammad Yusof, Siti Kauthar, Muhammad Ibraheem and Muhammad Umar
Minahsongeh Camillia, Camarina, Cqistina
IzreenFara NadyaAzureen
Lolyta Haris
Nana Sarah Nur Aliah
Rafiqah Ashraff & Aliff
Zaitul Afizah Haziq Danial

Haziq when he was 2 weeks old :)

5 people to tag (I only know 3 mommies out 3 it is la ok):
1. Shopper Mom
2. Lollies
3. Nana

Monday, June 18, 2007


I discovered something about a friend who broke up with her boyfriend sometime ago. I'm stunned....speechless. It made me wonder can a person really change after a failed relationship. Is the change necessary in order to move on??What if the change means that you have to sacrifice your principles that you hold up to all this while???Is it worth it??Is it the right thing to do??I understand that you gotta do what you gotta do in order to move leave the broken pieces behind you....all the bad memories.....but...sigh....I don't know....somehow I disagree with her decision. But who I am to say anything....I'm not perfect myself :p

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hey...Look At Me....

I did it!!!!

Haziq decided to show of his ability to meniarap yesterday on his 4th month birthday. yippiiieee....Actually I think it was unintentionally coz before it happened, he was tossing and turning left and right and the last turn he may have pushed his lil' body a bit he was already at the edge of the mattress....wallllaaaaaa...siap sempat posing lagi ok. Urs truly punyer la excited cepat2 grabbed the camera. Too bad hubby was not around to witness this historical moment....probably u'll get the chance biler Haziq start to merangkak ye Mr Hubby dearest. I think this achievement calls for a celebration don't you think. Maybe I'll plan something la this weekend. You see...I've made a promise to myself that since I only get to spend 100% of my time with Haziq during I will try to make sure there will always be activities for the three of us besides just lazing around the house :)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My Dilemma

This week it will be 2 weeks since Haziq is with me. For those yang tk tau...for the past one and a half month my parents were taking care of Haziq back in Ipoh. Reason being risau nak anta to a babysitter. Ye la hear so many stories pasal babysitter dera baby la...this and after my pantang I agreed with the arrangement. But...urs truly ni tak boleh tahan rindukan si Haziq....nangis ari2....nangis on the phone when I hear his voice...nangis in the middle of the night when I suddenly wake up...yes..I cried a lot. So in the end....we looked for a babysitter near by our place and convinced my parents with the new arrangement. Akak yang we met ni was recommended by hubby's friend's I'm a bit confident. Start June aritu, Haziq is beside me all time and so far I have no complains with the way Akak Ani takes care of Haziq. She even tolong potongkan kuku Haziq coz his Ibu here terlalu la takut nak I'm suppose to be a happy mommy.......NOT!!!!!!!!!
I'm unhappy not because I feel burdened taking care of Haziq..of course not. I'm unhappy because I feel guilty. Now I feel guilty sending him to a stranger...I feel guilty everytime I get him ready in the morning...I feel guilty when he looks at me everytime I put on his clothes, I feel guilty every morning when I bid goodbye and kiss him before I leave for work, I feel guilty all the time and as I am writing this tears are rolling down my cheek...sheeessshhhh.
I always wonder what Haziq is thinking when he look at me. Is he angry that I am sending him to a babysitter??? Maybe he thinks I don't love him that much. I feel guilty to the extend I think I notice Haziq refuse to look at me everytime I pick him up in the evening. OMG....this is all killing me. Talked to hubby bout this and he said...put it this way...we go out to work and earn money to support the give Haziq a better life and future. yeaahh...I know but I can't help but feel guilty and sad. I wish I can stay at home and take care of Haziq 24-7 but I guess it's impossible at the moment. I cannot stand the guilt....and I see no way of getting this guilt out of my system :(
Haziq baru lepas mandi
p/s: Haziq is 4 months old today..Happy Birthday my you to bits.... :)

Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday people....

I'm glad today is Friday...I can't wait to spend my weekend with my two heroes....this past few weeks has been very exhausting for me. Hey...Pak Lah is getting married haa...hhhhmmm....I can't stop but laugh I don't know why....anyway...all the best wishes for him...somehow his future bride reminds me of the present Philippines President....don't you think so??? happy weekend people...