My Haziq turned 6 months yesterday. Happy 6th month birthday sayang...on his progress?
1) he can now roll over effortlessly....getting him ready is no longer a simple job....i turn around one second to take something...he's already on his tummy....the other day he tried to lift his bum...hehehe...but did not managed to go anywhere...i can see that he was frustrated...poor boy...slowly dear...but somehow he can drag himself from point A to point B.
2) ever since he starting teething....he shove everything in his hand into his if you give him your hand..he will take it and bring it close to his will look like he "salam" ing cute....
3) he called mama few times now....buu...also few times...hope later on he will learn to call me Ibu. No sign of calling Ayah yet though....:p
4) when having his bath...he likes to force me to put him in a sitting position...ehehe..anak Ibu nih...tak sabar2 nak duduk ye...I dare not let him seat unsupported cz I'm afraid his back is still not strong enough yet...but I let him seat every now and then with me holding him...ok kan...
I can't wait to see what's next...soon he will start to crawl...sit on his own....then he will wanna walk...sigh....I'm so excited.... :)
i think that's all for now....i got tonnes of work to now thinking on what to get Haziq for his birthday...hhhmmmm...any ideas friends???? ;)
The half year old boy is sleeping...notice the tak matching baju and seluar...yup...his baju got all wet coz he kept semburing his air liur...hehe
A kerek pose from Haziq....hehe
Happy Birthday Haziq Danial....I can't tell you how proud I am to be your Ibu... :)
hi zai,
wahh how time flies..dh 6 months dh ur bb haziq eh? dh setgh tahun.. soon 1st bday dah :D sure happy..
bumped into your blog and i rerally enjoyed reading them. some i can relate to coz my son's gone through it quite the same! enjoy every moment of haziq, which i'm sure you will! oh yes, once he gets to sit on his own, you'd want to catch it again and again and cant get that grin off your face! but once he crawls in 4th gear, i wish you luck! ;) hehe..
warm greetings,
Woohoo..manage to watch transformers at last. Jeles babe! Heh, 6 months already? Time flies kan? I know you are one excited mother...Relek..soon, you'll want Haziq to go back being a baby..enjoy the moment!
yus: yup...cepat betul...dh 6 months...cant believe it enjoying everyminute of lil' hazaiq :)
aidan's mama & papa :TQ..i really need all the luck i can get...hehehe
rafiqaheliza : ye over excited with haziq's progress...hahaha..i need to slow down a bit :p
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