Gambar Hiasan
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
No Mood To Work Day
Friday, November 10, 2006
Open House...Wedding....bla...bla....
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Selebreti Tempatan

Friday, November 03, 2006
Raya Saya..
After that we went back to my place ( family are here). It's beraya with my family lak. I had Mama's nasi impit and kuah kacang and rendang. By the time I finish eating, I couldn't breathe haha.....kekenyangan. As usual we had our bersalam and minta maaf and bagi duit raya session. And also as usual Adik will crack his jokes and made all of us laughed tergolek golek. Then a bit later Kak Ngah and family came. Yeyyy....the more the merrier. The boys (Naim and Aboy) wore their new clothes which Mama bought for them. They had that happy and satisfied look written all over their faces. Lover and I couldn't stay too long as we then had to go back to lover's kampung in Sg Besar. So we said our goodbyes and went off. Huhuhuuu....urs truly was a bit sad(not a bit....devastated..sedih tak terkata sampai nangis tk kuar suara few days before raya..ok...yes..I was very emotional bout all this tak-dapat-beraya-with-family-like-always) but after a long heart-to-heart talk with Mama few days before raya, urs truly has finally understood her responsibilities as lover's wifey. I have so much to learn.
We reached Sg Besar close to 4pm. Rested for a while then all of us (read: lover's siblings all together 6 of them) started our jalan-jalan beraya. I can't remember the names of the relatives that we visited. Hehehe....ramai sangat ok. But I have to admit I actually did have fun. When you mention Sg would usually means acres and acres of padi field. Urs trully being a so-called-konon-city-girl got all excited to see the long stretch of green padi field and not forgetting the burung bangau yg bersepah-sepah...literally. Love it. Atok's house is located in the middle of a large padi field. Cool giler....This year Atok...lover's paternal grandfather has to beraya alone without Nenek. Nenek passed away last year a day before raya. But to my surprise Atok looked so healthy even with cigarettes on his fingers. Hehe....just like Abah. Our beraya session ended late that nite. sampai jer umah Yuk....I slept. Kepenatan. I thought I could sleep like a baby plus it was raining heavily...sedap la tido but stomach decided that 12a.m would be a good time to visit the loo. After much hesitant whether to wake lover up to teman me....finally decided to go alone. Then only I managed to sleep till morning.
At 6am Angah aka BIL woke everbody up for Solat Subuh.....I was perplexed to see him all excited waking up early in the morning....hhhhmmmm....why is he all excited???hahaha....then the truth prevailed. Angah nak main mercun!!!! Remember last nite it was rainning cats and dogs. So the guys tk dapat nk main mercun yg Angah bought. Urs truly pun sebok2 gak kat bawah....konon tengok2 kan BIL's children (Along's children) main bunga api. But actually was excited watching the bunga api-mercun show.
We left Sg Besar later in the afternoon after another round of beraya session. And back to my place...yeyyyyy. The next morning drove back to Ipoh with family. Raya in Ipoh was no fun at all...sigh. Reason being I was sick due to gastric and constipation. I guess all the nasi impit...ketupat..rendang...was way too overwhelming for my tummy after a month of rest. Well...anyways...Kak Long came over on Friday....My two lovely nieces and nephew sure have grown up since I last saw them. Mak Lang feel so old darlings. Don't grow up so fast. My niece Ana was all excited looking at my tummy.hehehe.....
I guess my raya this has been a memorable one. I love every minute of it....yes...including the time I sakit perut and kena gastric. My favorite part was when I bersalam with lover to seek his forgiveness. Lega rasenyer....Yang...kire 0 - 0 la ye.....muaaahhhsssss.....
p/s: photos nanti la post...