Haziq at 13 months....
.....He understands when you say NO but somehow he will ignore and proceed with what ever he's doing. Sometimes I just don't know how to make him not do something I don't want him to do...or something that is dangerous to him. I read that if you use too much NO is not good either. "Haziq....no" replace it is with what???
......He can express what he wants now quite clearly. He'll say "nak" when he wants his milk or anything that I'm holding. Recently, he would come to me and pull my hand if he wants something...smart boy. :)
......He likes to imitate what you say. Whenever I say "Haziq...kalau notty...Ibu babab nanti"...he'll say back to me "bbab bab". The other day, I was clearing my throat and made some noise, he imitated the noise and looked at me with his cheecky face...haha
.......His walking skill is getting better each day to the extend no more holding hand. He'll let go of my hand when he wants to walk freely sambil berlari lari anak hehe.
.......He still doesn't eat much. He depends more on his milk. This part I'm quite worried. Most of the time he will chew his veges and spit it out back. Tension. Lately, I let him feed himself. I give him a bowl of his rice, chicken and veges and put him in his highchair. Meanwhile, I have my own bowl of rice to feed him. So far it's been working quite well. He eats a little more than usual. But...but....more work for me coz at the end of the meal I have to clean up his mess. Tapi tak kisah la. As long as he eats, I'm fine with it.
........I think by now he weighs about 13.5kg. Phheewww....lenguh tangan dukung. Thank God he prefers to walk on his own most of the time.
........He hates it when his Ayah leaves him for work on Saturday. He will cry standing at the door. Poor boy.
........He knows exactly how to ask for sympathy when one of us is angry with him. If his Ayah is angry with him, he'll come looking for me and show his sad face. I try to be as stern and firm as I can coz I don't want him to think that whenever he did something wrong, he can get away with it by just going to one of us and expect us to melt away and give in.
........Tantrums...ooo yes. He has it alright. So far the jatuhkan-badan-sambil-nangis-coz-tak-dapat-something scene is only restricted at home. He's okay when we bring him out. I'm praying very very hard he won't show this not-good skill in public. I used to look in dismay whenever I see in public a toddler testing the parents patience with tantrums, heck my nephew and nieces used to do that last time. So I don't want Haziq to be like that. Let's hope I will never have to blog about it later in the future okay (Ameen!)
.........He still loves his bath session. He loves water. But...it's so difficult to make him brush his teeth....aaarrrggghhh...Mommies...how do I handle this one? He turns away whenever I want to brush his teeth. I let him hold his toothbrush but still he'll only let me hold his hand to brush his teeth for about 3 seconds then he'll push me away...sigh. oooo to date, I can his upper canine tooth left and right is starting to show and one 1st premolar on the left. So, all together 11 tooth. hehe...
........By now Haziq loves to babble. He'll talk to you as if he is really having a coversation if you. And I think he gets frustrated when I don't understand what he's trying to tell me. Of course I try my very best to listen to him and respond to him and make sure he gets what he needs. But sometimes....sigh...I have no clue what he's trying to convey hehe :p
.........When I was small if I fell down or terantuk kat meja or anywhere Abah or Mama would comfort me and most of the time would pukul whatever object that I myself sendiri terantuk. It's like you're blaming that thing for hurting your baby. Now that I'm a mother I do the same to Haziq.hehe. Few occassions I noticed I don't have to do it anymore because Haziq can do it on his own *lol*. This morning while walking to the car Haziq accidently terantuk his forehead on the wall...yes this boy of mine likes to look else where but in front when he walks....aarrrggghhh...he turned back and hit the wall and sort of scolded the wall....haha. He's like a sponge...absorbing everything he sees everyday. I gotta watch what I say or do in front of him nowadays. It's not gonna be easy I tell ya.
.........Haziq now knows how to play and appreciate some if not all his toys that we bought him. Before this he would shove it all into his mouth...hehe. But one thing he likes to do that I notice is that anything you give him, he will turn it upside down to see what's at the bottom. Hhhhmmmm...one curious boy I have here.
.........I'm still struggling to teach him few words. For example, car...he understands when I say "Haziq, where's our car?" He'll be looking for the car at the parking. On the road when I ask him "Haziq show me car". He'll ignore me huhu...how la? So far he can point at his eyes when we ask him to but it depends on his mood. Most of the time he'll just ignore us. And oooo...nose...mouth....he'll still point to his eyes wakaka...
.......He is still in the separation anxiety phase. If we're at my IL's place, one of us (hubby or myself) must be at his sight...if not he will melalak. Seriously.I don't know how to tackle this. It flatters me that he wants us to be by his side all the time but the comments and remarks I'm getting as the results of him behaving like that...is not flattering at all. Sometimes it hurts my feelings but I choose to ignore them and not utter a single word because I can assure everyone that once I open my mouth and answer back.....another person's feelings will get hurt...perhaps two or three person might get hurt as well. So for now I just keep quiet and smile :) (dalam hati Tuhan saje yang tau huhu)
ok...i can go on and on talking about this boy of mine.Shall stop here and post again when he turns 14 months??? hihihii...
I leave you with pictures of him at the playground taken last Monday when I suddenly decided to take emergency leave so that I can play with Haziq all the day long :)
*p/s: apesal la it's so hard for me to get text below the pictures at the center.no such icon in html...anyone know how to rectify this...pls let me know kay...toddles peeps... :)
Bab baaaabb nyerrrrrr tomel :)
it's nice to read abt your lil boy....i once went to a course and they said it's actually not a good thing to teach children to hit back the things that made them fall or hurt them...can't remember why but it has got something to do about building the child's character...just an honest opinion from one mum to another :)
hmm..what anon says ada betul nya kot..but in our malay comm, it's been like mcm tradisi dah to get used to such act.. our 2-yr old nephew pun bila dia ngadu2 sakit terkena walker iman while iman's in it and doing tokyo-drifting habis langgar2 dia tu, die expect we'd go babab/pukul the walker then only he's satisfied.
anyway zai, ur blog's theme song ni is quite catchy. always terngiang2 nanti but it's kinda 'ganggu' when i wanna watch haziq's vid yg tgh syok berjalan dgn laju itu over and over again.. sgt comel sungguh die tgh excited mcm tu...
hanya 2-sen saya..;)
yup zai! we can talk about our kids until the cow comes home kan? ish..ish.. geramnye i kat haziq ni...rugi aritu tak gegetgeget....
the 'terantuk-and-hit back-yang diantuk' secene tu cam areya la... i won't pukul the 'yg diantuk' tu as i know it's so not good to areya's emotional development but it's even harder to educate her daddy not to pukul the 'yg diantuk' tu...
biler nak play date ni?
peeps...thank you sooooo much for the input....i better stop haziq from continuing such kan...thank God u guys told me...kalau tak ...tak tau langsung :)
anis:play date...yes...yes...biler?any saturday morning is fine kot cz hubs will be at work half day.so i got the whole morning with haziq...wat say u? ;)
let me know kayyy...
I remember Harris with tantrums arnd Haziq age, later on i realise its just the frustration frm lack of speech.
how about rational explanation instead of NO?or different approach macam "hey look at that tree.We could check for butterflies.Lets go that way"...instead of "No this way" memang lah panjang lebar explanation but it develop vocabulary and speech kan
Its all trial and error..you're doing well. Haziq is so cherubic.
Child rearing nie memang trying kan.i think the tantrum is lack of speech frustration - harris mcm tu dulu.
how abot rational explnation or focusing on other objects? Eg "lets go on an adventure or lets play hide and seek" instead of "NO.you need to go now" mcm banyak cakap gitu but it build vocabulary.
You're doing a good job,haziq is so cherubic.geram.
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