Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hello....'s been a while since I last blogged. Reason being...I've been pretty occupied with work...yup....unbelievable isn't it. Work somehow have been very demanding lately which is very unusual. hehe....I don't know why but it's been very exhausting mentally and physically. Maybe it's this negotiation process I'm going through with the Human Resource. sigh.....
Well anyways.....let's put aside the petty stuff...I wanna talk about my little precious.hehe....Last weekend Haziq almost successfully meniarap. He managed to kinda pushed his butt but he left behind his he was half way meniarap half way kinda nak terbaring.....hahaha....I don't know whether you people can imagine that but I can tell you it was an exciting moment and also panicky moment when he didn't know how to baring back. I didn't take any pictures though coz I was soooo terkejut. My mom was screaming....hahaha...The doctor said probably Haziq will take a longer time to meniarap coz of his weight...he's 7.4kg mind you. So I guess I have to be patient. My mom said maybe he's to pressured.hehehe...his Ibu here keep on asking him "Haziq biler nak meniarap ni??I can't wait to see you meniarap" Yes...I'm guilty...I've been quite pushy....huhuhu...what else.... If you like to sing....sing to Haziq....he won't clap his hands but he will LOL at you....seriously...loudly that later on he will get hiccups...sooo cute (I'm bias...I know... :p)

"Hello peeps....this is me and my Ibu"

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dear Mr Boss....

Dear Mr Boss,
Please don't make me go into that room again after this. I hate it there....I hate being confined in the room full idiots for a loooonnnnggggg period....I hate it coz I can't do my work, I hate it coz I don't have time to blog...I hate it coz I can't bring in my cell phone....I really hate it....I hate to go back late....So Mr. Boss....I would rather do design work than being in the evaluation team. Please...please...for the next project....assign someone else to do that....
Yours Truly

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Kenduri Aqiqah Haziq

Last 14th April, we had Haziq's kenduri aqiqah at my inlaw's place. Here are some of the pictures. Let me enlighten you from Haziq's point of view.....heeeee... :p
Picture 1 : Eh...ape ni potong2 rambut orang...dah la rambut orang tak lebat them stay away from me....
Picture 2 : Atok...what are you feeding me...I just had my milk tau......huhuhuu (the pakciks were actually giving Haziq air zam zam...)
Picture 3 : Muka sedih jambul dah kena potong...boooohhhooooo....
Picture 4 : Ayah...hold me tight....I'm scared.....
Picture 5 : Eh...ape ni campak2 daun kat orang ni....Haziq dah mandi ok...kang miang la.... :p
Picture 6 : Sigh....Ibu...after all those lights...cameras....and people surrounding me...I'm tired.....I think I'll go to lala-land now yee...please wake me up for my next meal you Ibu....zzz...zzz...zzzz.....
Thank God everything went smoothly. Hubby and I were worried that Haziq would buat perangai, Hubby went to buy him a pacifier....hehehe....but Alhamdulillah Haziq didn't make a sound. So that was Haziq's experience....kena potong jambul....disuap air zam zam....diusung sana sini sambil dikerumun makcik2...hehehe

Friday, May 04, 2007

Haziq vs Mickey Mouse

I bought haziq a set of Micket Mouse mittens, booties and hat. So I was excited to see him wearing them. Well the mittens and booties fits him nicely but the see the pictures below la....

I think he looks like a Japanese baby baru balik from Tokyo Disneyland with that Mickey Mouse hat....wakakakaaa...