Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 20, 2007

Dah Langsing...

One of the junior engineers came to me this morning and this conversation took place:

JE : Eh...akak dh balik ye....(balik from maternity leave la kan)
Me: A'ahhh...
JE: Biler akak start keja??
Me: Baru Monday aritu....
JE: sihat?baby boy ker girl ek???
Me: Alhamdulillah boy..
JE: Baby skang kt maner??sape jaga?
Me: Baby my parents tolong jagakan....
JE: akak.....akak dah langsing balik ye.....
Me: .....(tersengih muka bangga...)
That conversation made my day...dah la its Friday...its a bonus. When I was preggie, I gained close to 10kg...Thank God I've lost all the weight during confinement. hehehe....


olyn said...

hehe...makcik dah kembali!!glad a fellow blooger and fren's back!

HELME said...

emm..congrat! comelnye baby..
hey, come visit my blog;

niQue_naQ said...

haloooo darlin! yr back!

ececece cepatnye kurus balik, lucky babe! i miss reading yr blog huhu and i soooooooooooooooooo wanna see haziq!!