Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, February 22, 2010

Revamping this Space

How do you like my new layout?ok?yes?no?
I was getting really bored with my layout when I suddenly found this template and fell in love with it. So, this will be my layout eerrrmmmm until I get bored again.
Alrighty...just a quickie from me. I want to go to bed now. Am so sleepy. Work is tiring me out literally. It's not that I'm super duper busy but yet, at the end of the day, lethargic is an understatement.
Something is bothering me actually. Gosh, sometimes I wish I can be transparent but I can't. Ooo well, life goes on right =)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Boy Who Turns 3 Today...

Dear Haziq Danial,

Happy 3rd Birthday. Ayah, Ibu & Baby Zara love you so much. Please be a good boy okay =)

p/s: no party for you this year darling....Ayah & I have planned something for you. Your present?? be honest, we haven't bought it.So, please be patient aite.

Monday, February 08, 2010

Haziq & Zara

It's getting a bit dusty here hehehe....haven't had the time to jot down what's been happening. Hikksss....Maybe I should write about the kids (gosh i love that i get to type the word kids hahaha poyo kan) a bit.

My Haziq will turn 3 y/o this Saturday. My ooo my. He's so big now. Talks a lot, but yet he still refuses to concentrate when it comes to his ABCs. Any tips anyone??

He is such an adorable big brother to Zara. Always eager to help Ibu, always wants to share his toys, and always wants to kiss his lil' sister. Alhamdulillah. I was kinda worried in the beginning. BUT...................yes...there's a but, he somehow always wants to pick a fight with me. Yup. You just can't believe the things he does just to drive me up the wall. His temper...oooo don't let me go there. It's like seeing a mini-me. Sigh. Let's just hope this will only be temporary okay.

Heidi Zara, on the other hand, is such an angel. I would say she's more easy-going compared to Haziq last time. Smiles a lot. Cries only when she's hungry, or sleepy and also when her diaper is wet. And just like Haziq, she likes to be hold, carried around. Sama ajer macam abang hehehe. She looks like Haziq when he was a baby. She babbles a lot seriously a lot. She talks to her Ayah a lot when he comes back from work. It's so cute I tell ya.
Haaiiihhh...enough said. I'll continue some other time okay. Let's see some pictures aite...

My Haziq Danial

Dh terer dh naik basikal

@ 2 months old

dh lapar nak susu but ibu sibuk gak nak amik gambo hehehe