I just felt like scribbling something here although there is nothing much I want to share. Just some random thoughts...
.........this morning I literally had to drag myself to work. On Monday I was on EL taking care of my sick baby. He's a lot better this morning but the 'stupid' cough just refuse to go away, and somehow now he has running nose. Poor fella.
.......i think im beginning to like my voice now....put aside the sore throat, flu and cough.....you get zai with a husky sexy voice hahaha. Seriously. tak caya...cepat give me a call ;p
.......i think i need a second job....hahaha.....moving into the new abode is really squeezing us financially...cash is flowing out like the waterfall...huhuhu...so...anyone knows a part time job that can pay me say about RM50 an hour, do let me know ok ;)
........ooooppsss...sudden mental block....dont know what to write....will continue later. i'll save this draft first ;)
.......it's already Thursday....yeeayyyy tomorrow it will be Friday. I can't wait for the weekend to come. I need some rest. This flu and cough are bugging me and slowing me down. I'm just sooo tired I can think of nothing but to place my head on the pillow and sleep. But wait.....I can't really rest. I still need to sew the bottom part of the curtain i just bought for our room. Finished two pieces last nite. Goshhh....it's been awhile since I 'menyembat' something. Hahaha.....Sewing something always reminds me of myself when i was younger. i always like to see what my mom is sewing. Be it baju kurung, cushion cover, curtain....and then i will try to make them myself. But till today i still haven't mstered the art of sewing my own baju kurung. it's not that hard actually but i'm just too malas la. My favorite would be doing embroidery. My mom used to make her own cushion cover complete with flowers embroideries on them. While I like the emboirdery part I loathe the part where you turn your masterpiece into something. That's why I have lots of completed embroideries at mom's place but never continue to sew them into cushion cover or what not. MALAS!.......lately been thinking of having 2 separate blogs. One for me to write on Haziq's antics, another for myself. I also thought I should set up my own photo-blog. Ambitious???Absolutely right. I laughed at myself about this. but still I'm considering. Haha. We'll see how things go in a month or two. I'm not surprised at the end of the day, instead of maintaining two or three separate blogs...i end up closing this blog. Sigh....zai....zai...
............eh...did you guys watched Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader last nite? I managed to watch while doing my 'sewing' and I was surprised to see the second contestant...yeah that girl. She didn't even know how to spell VOWEL when asked how many consonants are there in that word. Oooo come on....the host (can't remember his name) literally humiliated the girl on national TV with his sarcasm. My oooo my....it was humiliating alright. I think she went home with nil money and a huge amount of embarassement. Kesian pun ada gak but she spelled VOWEL as VOUL......enough said ;p
..........I told Hubster the other day...I need to getaway...we need to getaway..us. the three of us. Hubster said yeaahhhh but tunggu ler until things dah settle down. Sigh. I hate it when he's right. ;p
...........I made buttered prawn last Monday and for some reason i can never get the egg part right. The white egg is suppose to be flaky....eh wait that's not the right word. You get what I mean right. No matter how hard and beria i beat the egg i can never get that fluffy texture the way it's suppose to be. How leh??? Any tips?
I better go now. My 10 minutes self-made break is over. Now i need to explore this new version of software they just installed. leceh betul laa....